[racket] Little Schemer, lat?

From: Carl Eastlund (carl.eastlund at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Jan 3 14:17:20 EST 2015

Because all-true and all-false are both all-something, they are both
written (and), not (or).  If you want something corresponding to (or), you
need at-least-one-true or at-least-one-false.  In general, all-true is the
negation of at-least-one-false, and all-false is the negation of

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Jos Koot <jos.koot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Matthias, you write:
>   all-true is the same as cannot-find-a-false-on-the-list.
> Then I take an inverse:
>   all-false is the same as cannot-find-a-true-on-the-list.
> But we have (in Racket):
> (and) -> #t
> (or) -> #f
> Something is wrong with the inversion. But what?
> Happy new year to all, Jos
> -----Original Message-----
> From: users [mailto:users-bounces at racket-lang.org] On Behalf Of Matthias
> Felleisen
> Sent: 03 January 2015 03:12
> To: Frank Weytjens
> Cc: users Users
> Subject: Re: [racket] Little Schemer, lat?
> Frank, happy new year. It's good to hear from people like you because TLS
> is
> for you.
> Now I'd like to say that I am unbelievably unhappy about Chapter 2 but I
> could not convince Dan to change the book that much. Let's look at lists in
> the "How to Design Programs" way, the TLS for adults if you so wish. Here
> is
> the definition:
> A LAT is either
>  -- the empty list
> or
>  -- a LAT l extended with one ATOM.
> And we don't care what an ATOM is.
> This definition is unusual because it refers to itself. You haven't seen
> such definitions in your high school courses, and it's best to make sure
> this definition generates some LATs (whatever those are).
> * Clearly one thing is a LAT.  T
> - he empty list.
> * Now suppose we take ATOM1 (whatever atoms are) and extend the empty list
> with ATOM1.
> - What do we get?
> * Yes, we get a different LAT.
> - Should we give it a name?
> * Sure, what would you like to call it?
> - LAT1.
> * Great name. What do you think happens if we extend LAT1 with ATOM2?
> - Then we get LAT2, which is like LAT1 but extended with ATOM2.
> And so on. But the key is, we started by simply defining the empty list to
> be a LAT. Note how we also don't need any "Scheme" or "Racket" things to
> express the ideas. Plain English and an agreement to treat 'extend with'
> and
> 'the empty list" as special phrases.
> Time to look the second aspect of your question. Here is a definition for
> LOB:
> A LOB is either
>  -- the empty list
> or
>  -- a LOB extended with one Boolean.
> A Boolean is either #t or #f.
> * Are these LOBs?
>   the empty list
>   the empty list extended with #f
>   the empty list extended with #f extended with #t
> - Yes they are.
> * Are all Booleans on this list #t
>    the empty list extended with #t extended with #t
> - They sure are.
> * Are all Booleans on this list #t
>    the empty list extended with #t
> - Still.
> * Are all Booleans on this list #t
>    the empty list
> - It all depends on what "are" means. [Famous quote. Who said that?]
> * How many options do we have?
> - Two: The answer is either true or false.
> * How do you define the function for answer 1 [true]
> - Easy
> (define (all-true?-1 lob)
>   (cond
>     [(null? lob) #t] ;; by definition, right?
>     [else (and (true? (car lob)) (all-true?-1 (cdr lob)))])) ;; <--- this
> is
> now functions should be defined
> * What about answer 2 [false]?
> - Here is a start:
> (define (all-true?-2 lob)
>   (cond
>     [(null? lob) #f] ;; by definition, right?
>     [else ...]))
> * This function works for the empty list but how about lists with one or
> two
> or three ... Booleans?
> - For all those, all-true?-1 gives the correct answer.
> (define (all-true?-2 lob)
>   (cond
>     [(null? lob) #f] ;; by definition, right?
>     [else (all-true?-1 lob)]))
> * How come?
> - Because all-true?-2 makes sure that all-true?-1 never sees the empty
> list.
> * But doesn't all-true?-1 look for the empty list?
> - Yes, but only after it has seen at least one Boolean.
> * Which answer is simpler, elegant, satisfying?
> - The first one. It's a two-line function and it's easily explained.
> * So what is the better choice?
> - It's better to say that all Booleans on the empty list are true, even
> though there aren't any.
> * Is this weird?
> - A little bit but it makes everything easy.
> * So let's use this convention from now on.
> - Good.
> That's one explanation for considering it correct to say that the empty
> list
> contains only #t Booleans. Another one:
>   all-true is the same as cannot-find-a-false-on-the-list.
> Can you deal with this explanation? -- Matthias
> On Jan 2, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Frank Weytjens wrote:
> > Happy new year Racketeers,
> >
> > The Little Schemer is my favorite book.
> > I have a kind of Sisyphus relationship with it.
> > In the preface they advice to not read it, in less then 3 times.
> > The jokers! It's more then 3 years I read this book, from time to time.
> > Hoping to get further and further, each time.
> > I enjoy to start over and over, without completely understanding it.
> > Like if: once it 's completely understood, there is no more interesting
> stuff on earth.
> > This time i got stuck much earlier, then normal, extremely early.
> >
> > (define lat?
> >     (lambda (l)
> >       (cond
> >             ((null? l) #t)
> >             ((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
> >             (else #f))))
> >
> > An empty list is a list, but is it a lat ?
> > If you give an empty list as argument to the lat?-function, the answer
> > is yes. But an atom must be a string of characters or numbers, or even
> > one character, or a combination of special characters as long as it is
> > not an ( or an ). The empty list contains no characters at all, so it
> > can not be a list of atoms. It would be OK, if you recur at least
> > once. But when you feed an empty list, this is not the case. Then the
> > answer of (null? l) should be #f
> >
> > Rewriting the function that way, would never give #t as answer
> >
> > (define lat?
> >     (lambda (l)
> >       (cond
> >             ((null? l) #f)
> >             ((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
> >             (else #f))))
> >
> >
> > So an empty list has to be a lat, and it is not.
> > Or is it? Then an empty list can be anything.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Frank
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