[racket] Is there any particular reasons that Markdown-render does not deal with images?
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Greg Hendershott <greghendershott at gmail.com>
> > As the title says. Why?
> >
> > At least something like  is neccessary.
> Why:
> 1. I didn't know how.
> At the time, I wasn't sure how to handle Scribble images generally.
> And I wasn't aware of the special case you mention, that Scribble lets
> you link to external image URLs. (Actually, does it? I don't know.)
Yes, URLs are there.
I am just filled with curiosity because image links and URL links are
quite familiar.
> 2. It didn't seem important.
> At the time, the new package system didn't have a way to host
> documentation like PLaneT did. My motivation for doing this was that
> it could help to generate README.md files for GitHub. (And none of the
> package docs I looked at used images.) Anyway, these days
> pkgs.racket-lang.org does now build and host full Scribble doc HTML.
Actually I also prefer Scribble HTMLs, and I also just want to make
github.com happy.
Hmm, giving it an elegant README.md (display a pictorial project map for
Once I had decided to make a render for github.com to handle README.scrbl
But this goal requires Racket itself, perhaps they wouldn't care.
So. this topic is less important at the moment.
Thank you and sorry for taking your time.
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