[racket] HTML Code/Web Authentication
For the first half of the question, see
from the book for absolute novices. It explains how to design a simple stock ticker by reading (X)HTML off the web.
The book emphasizes systematic design. You can solve this specific problem with brute force regular-expression matching with few lines of code. The question is whether you want to learn to solve problems or copy code from mailing lists and StackOveflow w/o understanding what's really going on.
-- Matthias
On Feb 21, 2015, at 10:35 AM, Alexandre Nicolaï wrote:
> Hello
> I am looking to develop a small program whose purpose is automated extraction HTML code of a web page and then analyze the data, but I am a beginner and I do not understand how to implement this extraction with Racket. Another problem is mandatory authentication to access the page in question.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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