[racket] Common POSIX ffi helpers and bindings

From: Bartosz Przygoda (bprzygoda at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Feb 20 05:37:26 EST 2015


I'm currently working on few FFI wrappers for linux, and quite often I am
encountering certain functionalities that probably shouldn't be part of the
racket core (as they only work on *nix OSes), but are useful when
interfacing with core linux libraries.

For example for ffi binding with #:save-errno 'posix, one could just use
some helper that calls strerror and use produced string to call error.
Quite often one needs to pass racket streams and get them converted to
native file descriptor . These are just examples of issues I encountered.

Is there anything like this around? Or do you think some collection like
this should be made?
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