[racket] Debugging html library

From: John Clements (johnbclements at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Feb 17 17:06:49 EST 2015

I think that you want to use

raco pkg install --clone html

... rather than the raco pkg update command that you've specified.

(huge caveat: I haven't yet had the occasion to use this command)

John Clements

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Marco Monteiro <marco at neniu.org> wrote:

> Hello!
> I've found some issues with the html library and I would like to debug it.
> How do I go about doing it?
> Here is my experience so far:
> I've cloned https://github.com/racket/html.git.
> That has 4 subdirectories. The html-test subdirectory has (require html),
> and doesn't use relative paths. So, I asked on irc about how can I hook my
> local directory with the html code into racket. I get
> raco pkg update --link /path/to/your/html
> That doesn't work. It sounds wrong but I sudo and --force anyway and
> something happens. raco pkg show now lists my link. I put a (break-it) at
> the top of the sgml-reader.rkt file, go to my code using the library but
> it still works.
> I try the raco pkg update again - maybe I need to compile it for each
> change -
> but nothing changes.
> Thanks,
> Marco
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