[racket] proof assistants, DrRacket and Bootstrap
type ast = VAR of String | LAM of String * ast | APP of ast * ast | CONST of int | ADD of ast * ast
type val = BASIC of int | FUNCTION of val -> val | ...
Thanks, Matthias! I know this is way off topic, but I think it's the sort of thing only Schemers understand, and I think HOL Light would be a lot better off my problem got solved. There's a lot I didn't understand with your ML explanation. Is this written down somewhere? How to write a ML interpreter in ML using your type ideas? Are you saying I don't need camlp parsing? I would find that hard to believe. Formal proofs in HOL Light are really just OCaml programs where a lot of code has already been evaluated. Here's a simple Hilbert geometry program in my dialect:
let ExistsPointOffLine = theorem `;
∀l. Line l ⇒ ∃Q. Q ∉ l
intro_TAC ∀l, H1;
consider A B C such that
¬(A = B) ∧ ¬(A = C) ∧ ¬(B = C) ∧ ¬Collinear A B C [Distinct] by fol I3;
assume (A ∈ l) ∧ (B ∈ l) ∧ (C ∈ l) [all_on] by fol ∉;
Collinear A B C [] by fol H1 - Collinear_DEF;
fol - Distinct;
I think I need the `;[...]` construct, which at present just turns my proof into a string without any backslash or newline problems, which is then passed to my function theorem. The usual HOL Light style is like this, using instead a function prove:
let MULT_0 = prove
(`!m. m * 0 = 0`,
Notice the related `[...]` construct, which I think sends the ordered pair off to heavy camlp parsing.
Thanks for the 7th and 8th advice. I think my student is smart and hard-working, and I (finally!) learned how to program reading your book HtDP, so it sounds like you're saying that I should be able to teach it to my student. I went to bootstrap-world.org and, uh, maybe I didn't look hard enough, but I didn't find anything that looked juicy.