[racket] web server: module servlets

From: George Neuner (gneuner2 at comcast.net)
Date: Fri Sep 26 00:16:56 EDT 2014

On 9/25/2014 6:26 PM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> web-server/servlet is NOT shared, nor is any net library or common
> racket library like racket/list. They are all totally unique per
> servlet.
> This, by the way, is part of why I don't recommend using dynamic
> servlets at all and suggest using serve/servlet.

But ... IIUC ... a listener started by  serve/servlet  will still 
dynamically load from <servlet-root>, <server-root>/htdocs/*, etc. if 
the request doesn't match a hard coded dispatch URL - the regex of the 
initial servlet or an entry in a dispatcher table.  At least that's the 
behavior I see with my own application: my initial servlet returns 404 
when called - the call to  serve/servlet  just sets up the environment 
and and all the "real" servlets are demand loaded from disk when first 

Are you advocating *static* linking and essentially just dispatching to 
internal functions by URL?  ISTM that that defeats the purpose.

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