[racket] is anyone using racket to generate animated diagrams?

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Mon Sep 22 15:44:51 EDT 2014

Hi Martin,

As an example I implemented the standing wave animation.

The MetaPict package is available through the package system.
Use the package manager in DrRacket to install install it.
The run the program below in DrRacket to see a standing wave.

The documentation of the MetaPict package is here:

Jens Axel

#lang racket
(require metapict
         (only-in 2htdp/universe animate)
         (only-in 2htdp/image freeze))

(set-curve-pict-size 400 100)  ; size 400 x 100 pixels

; red-circle : point -> pict
;  red disk with center in the point p drawn with black periphery
(define (red-circle p)
  (def c (circle p 0.1))
  (draw (color "red" (fill c)) ; red, filled circle
        c))                    ; black outline

(define N 100) ; number of frames in the animation
(define (f m)
  ; The function to graph at time t is cos(ωt)*sin(kx), where t is in [0;2pi].
  ; First we convert the frame number to time:
  (define t (* 2 pi (/ (remainder m N) N)))
  (define ω 1) ; angular frequency
  (define k 1) ; wave number
  ; The actual function to graph
  (λ (x) (* (cos (* ω t)) (sin (* k x)))))

(define (animation-frame m)
  (with-window (window/aspect -0.2 (+ (* 4 pi) 0.2) ; x in [-0.1, 4pi+0.1]
                              -1.2)             ; y in [-0.1, 1.1]
    (pict->bitmap ; animate needs bitmaps
      ; graph the function f from 0 to 4pi
      (graph (f m) 0 (* 4 pi))
      ; five red dots at the nodes (0,0), (pi,0), ...
      (for/draw ([n 5])
          (red-circle (pt (* n pi) 0)))))))

; animate them!
(animate animation-frame)

2014-09-22 20:49 GMT+02:00 Martin DeMello <martindemello at gmail.com>:
> I was looking through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:LucasVB/Gallery
> (generated, according to the author, with a combination of php and libgd),
> and wondered if anyone was doing similar stuff in racket. I'd love to see
> code samples if so.
> martin
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Jens Axel Søgaard

Posted on the users mailing list.