[racket] missing solution 20.2.4 ex:fancy-contracts-poly
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 9:51 PM,
Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
On Sep 4, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Daniel Bastos wrote:
> > A candidate for a solution. (I'm not sure I'm correct regarding the
> > function project. The description says "a lists of lists" (which I
> > translate to (listof ITEM)) and "a function from lists to Xs", so I
> > wonder if the domain of this function-argument must be (listof ITEM)
> > or it could be more general such as (listof Y). I decided to imagine
> > that the domain of the function-argument would be items of the "list
> > of lists" and so I made it into (listof ITEM).
> In this context ITEM and X and Y are variables (placeholders) that stand
> for sets (classes) of data.
> In the following I have translated the purpose statements for these
> functions into prototype calls:
> > sort: (listof ITEM) (ITEM ITEM -> boolean) -> (listof ITEM)
> (sort a-list-of-Xs compare-Xs) : a-list-of-Xs
> (same Xs indeed, but rearranged)
> > map: ((listof ITEM) -> X) (listof ITEM) -> (listof X)
> (map a-function-from-item-on-list-to-X a-list-of-ITEMs) : a-list-of-Xs
> > project: (listof (listof ITEM)) ((listof ITEM) -> (listof X)) -> (listof
> X)
> (project a-list-of-list-of-ITEMs a-function-from-list-of-ITEMs-to-X) :
> a-list-of-Xs
> > (*) Comparison with exercise 20.2.2
> Abstraction works by taking two concrete examples and replacing matching
> concrete things with variables.
> 20.2.2 asks you to come up with contracts for functions that work on one
> basic kind of data. Use a distinct kind and then apply the abstraction
> design recipe. You will find that at least one of the above is wrong.
Indeed. (That was map.) Thank you.
(*) Candidate for solution for exercise 20.2.4
Our approach will be to take two concrete examples and replace matching
concrete things with variables.
(-) Sort
sort1: (listof number) (number number -> boolean) -> (listof number)
sort2: (listof name) (name name -> boolean) -> (listof name)
sort: (listof ITEM) (ITEM ITEM -> boolean) -> (listof ITEM)
Type variable: ITEM.
(-) Map
map1: (number -> number) (listof number) -> (listof number)
map2: (name -> name) (listof name) -> (listof name)
map: (x -> x) (listof x) -> (listof x)
Type variable: x.
(-) Project
project1: (listof (listof symbol)) ((listof symbol) -> symbol) -> (listof
project2: (listof (listof name)) ((listof name) -> name) -> (listof name)
project: (listof (listof x)) ((listof x) -> x) -> (listof x)
Type variable: x.
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