[racket] htdp: functions of section 19 violate the grammar of section 8
I have not been able to verify this statement.
"As a matter of fact, the functions of section 19 violate the Scheme
grammar of section 8." -- First paragraph of section 20.
I think the statement is referring to functions such as filter1.
(define (filter1 rel-op alon t)
[(empty? alon) empty]
[else (cond
[(rel-op (first alon) t)
(cons (first alon)
(filter1 rel-op (rest alon) t))]
(filter1 rel-op (rest alon) t)])]))
It must be because of rel-op, I figure. But rel-op is a <var>.
According to Figure 21 (the grammar of section 8), (<var> <exp>
...<exp>) is an <exp>, so I think filter1 doesn't violate the grammar
of section 8.
Where am I wrong? Thank you!