[racket] missing solution 20.1.1 ex:sem-funcs

From: Daniel Bastos (dbastos at toledo.com)
Date: Tue Sep 2 11:45:23 EDT 2014

A candidate for a solution.

Exercise 20.1.1. Assume the Definitions window in DrScheme contains
(define (f x) x). Identify the values among the following expressions:

(1) (cons f empty)
(2) (f f)
(3) (cons f (cons 10 (cons (f 10) empty)))

Explain why they are values and why the remaining expressions are not

Solution. First we consider (1). Here's the relevant part of the

  <lst> = empty | (cons <val> <lst>)

  <val> = <boo> | <sym> | <num> | empty | <lst>
  | <var> (names of defined functions)
  | <prm>

So (1) is a value because it is <lst> of the form (cons <var> empty),
where f is <var> because it is a defined function.

Let's consider (3) before (2). (3) is a list of either <var> or <num>,
so (3) is <val> as well.

Now we consider (2). Here's the relevant part of the grammar.

  <exp>       =    <var>
  | <prm>
  | (<exp> <exp> ...<exp>)

So (2) is (<var> <var>), a list of expressions, which is an <exp>, not
a <val>. So (2) is not a value, although it's a legal expression.

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