[racket] Programmatic drawing

From: Jens Axel Søgaard (jensaxel at soegaard.net)
Date: Thu Oct 30 15:51:43 EDT 2014

MetaPict supports arbitrary curves and will produce picts.


Given points p, q, r, ... and vectors (directions) d, e, f ... :

  (curve p .. q .. r .. s)  draws a "nice" curve from p through q and r to s
  (curve p .. q d .. r .. s)  draws a "nice" curve from p through q and r to s,
                                      and the curve leaves q in the direction d
  (curve p .. q .. r .. cycle) draws a closed curve through p, q and r
  (curve p .. q .. r -- s .. t) draws a curve from p through q to r then
                                        a line from r to s and finally
curves to t

There is a ton of examples here:

/Jens Axel

2014-10-30 19:16 GMT+01:00 C K Kashyap <ckkashyap at gmail.com>:
> Dear Racket folks,
> I'd like to use Dr Racket to generate some drawings. I liked the way I can
> compose and create images using slideshow. I could not figure how I could
> draw arbitrary curves though?
> When I looked for it I found the racket/draw package. Can the racket/draw
> functions be used along with slideshow?
> Or is there any other recommended package for achieving interactive drawing
> creation?
> Regards,
> Kashyap
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Jens Axel Søgaard

Posted on the users mailing list.