[racket] waiting for pkg catalog update?

From: John Clements (johnbclements at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Oct 16 12:13:14 EDT 2014

Wow! I really like the new package system!

Okay, now I'm going to complain...

I'm having trouble with pkgs.racket-lang.org, and it's affecting my classes.

The issue here is that the catalog doesn't seem to have picked up my last
change to the rsound package, made some time yesterday. In particular, I
had to roll back two packages, portaudio and rsound, and portaudio got
rolled back but not rsound, which means that the pkg-reported current
version of rsound (16a1959962f) (as opposed to the github-reported current
version of ((0e28de6c)) now has a dependency on a version of portaudio
(1.0.1) that is no longer available. (This can also be seen by the build
status of rsound, which is now shown on pkgs.racket-lang.org as failing.)

I've tried to update using the web page, with not so much success.
Yesterday, the web page was getting stuck at the "logging in..." phase; I
waited for ... 10 minutes? No joy. Today, I'm seeing the same thing, though
20 minutes ago I saw a successful login, with a thin yellow banner
indicating that an update was in progress.

Perhaps the answer here is to host my own catalog for my students. I spent
10 minutes looking into this, but I got stuck when it turned out that
pkgs/meta/pkg-catalog/ isn't actually part of my installation.

Another solution would be to manually instruct my students to paste the
github reference into the "do what I mean" box, but I suspect this would
lead to confusion and unhappiness in the medium term.

So: if there's a good way to poke pkgs.racket-lang.org to pick up the new
version of rsound, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again for all the hard work! It keeps getting better!

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