[racket] improving image quality
If you use plot-pict, it will do the right thing.
And probably plots should implement the pict-convertible? api.
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 7:55 PM, Stephen De Gabrielle
<spdegabrielle at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm learning some scribble, along with adding some images from plot.
> This works nicely, but i'm trying to work out how to improve the image
> quality in the resulting PDF. (the html output is fine.)
> is there any way to make my images sharper and clearer in PDF?
> kind regards,
> Stephen
> ----
> #lang scribble/base
> @(require plot racket/math)
> @title{Math 135 Assignment 1}
> @section{First Test}
> @(define ((deriv f) x)
> (/ (- (f x) (f (- x 0.001))) 0.001))
> @(define (thrice f) (lambda (x) (f (f (f x)))))
> @(define (x^2 x) (* x x))
> @(parameterize ([plot-width 150]
> [plot-height 150]
> [plot-x-label "xaxis"]
> [plot-y-label #f])
> (list (plot (function x^2 (- pi) pi))))
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