[racket] Best practices for classes

From: Matthew Butterick (mb at mbtype.com)
Date: Sat Oct 4 11:01:41 EDT 2014

Thank you. The `prop:procedure` works as hoped, in that the class instance
becomes usable in any form that takes a procedure (including things like

The `prop:sequence` also works, but … what it seems I really want is
`prop:list`, which AFAICT doesn't exist (?)

The class I'm making is basically a list wrapped with some state. So in
terms of the class interface, it would be very convenient to allow a class
instance to be used anywhere a list is used.

The problem with `prop:sequence` is that now I have to use the special
sequence versions of list functions, or convert to a list explicitly with
`sequence->list`. In terms of class interface, this isn't an improvement
over just using a method like (send class-instance get-list).

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 7:43 PM, Alexander D. Knauth <alexander at knauth.org>

> I don’t know if you can do it with generic interfaces (as in
> racket/generic),
> but you can make classes whose instances have struct-type properties such
> as prop:procedure and prop:sequence
> (using interfaces as in racket/class, not racket/generic)
> #lang racket
> (define proc<%>
>   (interface* ()
>               ([prop:procedure
>                 (lambda (this . args)
>                   (send/apply this proc args))])
>               proc))
> (define proc%
>   (class* object% (proc<%>)
>     (super-new)
>     (define/public (proc x)
>       (displayln "this is the proc method of proc%")
>       x)))
> (define seq<%>
>   (interface* ()
>               ([prop:sequence
>                 (lambda (this)
>                   (send this get-sequence))])
>               get-sequence))
> (define seq%
>   (class* object% (seq<%>)
>     (super-new)
>     (define/public (get-sequence)
>       (list 1 2 3))))
> > (define p (new proc%))
> > (p 1)
> this is the proc method of proc%
> 1
> > (define s (new seq%))
> > (sequence-for-each displayln s)
> 1
> 2
> 3
> On Oct 2, 2014, at 6:21 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
> What's the best approach to:
> + defining a class whose instances can be used as procedures?
> (define ci (new proc-class%))
> (ci arg arg2 ... )
> + ... whose instances can be used as lists (or at least support direct
> iteration?)
> (define li (new listish-class%))
> (for-each displayln li)
> (map ci li)
> My intuition is "implement a generic interface..." But then it gets hazy.
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