[racket] Understanding contracts
Making a correction here, my wish error message should say this.
* in: the 1st argument of*
* (->**
* ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))*
* (#:clamp-range boolean?)*
* number?)*
Because I understand that the phrase *"the range of"* means the last item
in the -> form which is the ->* contract.
On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Alexander McLin <alex.mclin at gmail.com>
> Actually I wasn't quite ready to move on.
> When I apply (curve 3) where (define curve (cubic-bezier a b) a and b are
> bezier-control-point?
> I get the following contract error:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *(curve 3)*
> *. . cubic-bezier: contract violation*
> * expected: (and/c number? (between/c 0 1))*
> * given: 3*
> * which isn't: (between/c 0 1)*
> * in: the 1st argument of*
> * the range of*
> * (->*
> * bezier-control-point?*
> * bezier-control-point?*
> * (->**
> * ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))*
> * (#:clamp-range boolean?)*
> * number?))*
> * contract from: *
> * /home/alexander/Workspace/Racket/cubic-bezier.rkt*
> * blaming: /home/alexander/Workspace/Racket/experimental.rkt*
> * at: /home/alexander/Workspace/Racket/cubic-bezier.rkt:8.11*
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is there a way I can fine-tune the error message so instead of saying
> * in: the 1st argument of*
> * the range of*
> * (->*
> * bezier-control-point?*
> * bezier-control-point?*
> * (->**
> * ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))*
> * (#:clamp-range boolean?)*
> * number?))*
> It says
> * in: the 1st argument of*
> * the range of*
> * (->**
> * ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))*
> * (#:clamp-range boolean?)*
> * number?)*
> The above contract is really what is coming into play here when using
> curve, the surrounding -> form is a distraction and I stare at it for a few
> moments mentally parsing to find the right part that is being violated. The
> -> contract is only relevant to cubic-bezier and I think confusing because
> the lambda that is returned from cubic-bezier may be called after some time
> has passed and — at least for me — cubic-bezier is long since gone, and
> thus out of mind.
> Alexander McLin
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Alexander McLin <alex.mclin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Good evening Mathias,
>> After studying your program and mine, and running various permutations, I
>> understand where I was going wrong. It appears that while doing manual
>> experimentation I had gotten confused to which module I was actually in the
>> REPL when calling various functions by hand. Also my test cases weren't
>> fine grained enough to detect each unique contract violation generated by
>> suitable bad inputs.
>> Thanks Mathias! Your examples have helped to sharpen my understanding of
>> how contract boundaries work.
>> Alex
>> On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> If you use this as the program:
>>> #lang racket
>>> ;; contracts set up boundaries between two regions of a program, say two
>>> modules
>>> ;;
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ;; the library
>>> (provide (contract-out
>>> [struct bezier-control-point ((x (and/c number? (between/c 0
>>> 1))) (y number?))]
>>> [cubic-bezier (-> bezier-control-point?
>>> bezier-control-point?
>>> (->* ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))
>>> (#:clamp-range boolean?)
>>> number?))]))
>>> (struct bezier-control-point (x y) #:transparent)
>>> (define (cubic-bezier a b)
>>> ;; now produce a curve via Bezier triangulation
>>> (lambda (x #:clamp-range [cr #f])
>>> x))
>>> ;;
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ;; the module that uses it
>>> (module+ test
>>> (require (submod ".."))
>>> (define a (bezier-control-point 0.1 5.0))
>>> (define b (bezier-control-point 0.3 9.0))
>>> ((cubic-bezier a b)
>>> ;; a contract violation because i isn't comparable
>>> (sqrt -1)))
>>> drracket or raco test file.rkt will show contract errors.
>>> On Oct 2, 2014, at 1:50 PM, Alexander McLin <alex.mclin at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Spencer, I'm calling cubic-bezier from within a (module+ test (require
>>> submod "..")...) form that itself is defined in the file where cubic-bezier
>>> is defined. Also I tried from within REPL and requiring the code file.
>>> >
>>> > Matthias,
>>> >
>>> > I ran your example and it works exactly the way I wanted. The lambda
>>> returned from cubic-bezier properly raises contract violations when bad
>>> inputs are given for the required parameter and optional keyword.
>>> >
>>> > Examining the differences between your example and my original
>>> implementation, my functions are directly defined in top level in the file,
>>> after #lang racket, not wrapped within a module. And I'm running my test
>>> cases within a (module+ test (require submod "..")) form.
>>> >
>>> > In my test cases within (module+ test...), violations are correctly
>>> reported when I give bad inputs to cubic-bezier and bezier-control-point
>>> structs. Except the lambda, no violations are reported with bad inputs. Is
>>> it because I'm incorrectly using modules? I had thought that module+ and
>>> (require submod "..") would allow the contract system to come into full
>>> force.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Matthias Felleisen <
>>> matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Let's make Spencer's question concrete. Say we have this situation:
>>> >
>>> > #lang racket
>>> >
>>> > ;; contracts set up boundaries between two regions of a program, say
>>> two modules
>>> >
>>> > ;;
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > ;; the library
>>> > (module server racket
>>> > (provide (contract-out
>>> > [struct bezier-control-point ((x (and/c number? (between/c
>>> 0 1))) (y number?))]
>>> > [cubic-bezier (-> bezier-control-point?
>>> > bezier-control-point?
>>> > (->* ((and/c number? (between/c 0 1)))
>>> > (#:clamp-range boolean?)
>>> > number?))]))
>>> >
>>> > (struct bezier-control-point (x y) #:transparent)
>>> >
>>> > (define (cubic-bezier a b)
>>> > ;; now produce a curve via Bezier triangulation
>>> > (lambda (x #:clamp-range [cr #f])
>>> > x)))
>>> >
>>> > ;;
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > ;; the module that uses it
>>> > (module client racket
>>> > (require (submod ".." server))
>>> >
>>> > (define a (bezier-control-point 0.1 5.0))
>>> > (define b (bezier-control-point 0.3 9.0))
>>> >
>>> > ((cubic-bezier a b)
>>> > ;; a contract violation because i isn't comparable
>>> > (sqrt -1)))
>>> >
>>> > ;;
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> > ;; run program run
>>> > (require 'client)
>>> >
>>> > I assume you want to see other violations. Can you explain with this
>>> example w/o going into Bezier?
>>> > (I just know enough about Bezier to draw curves.)
>>> >
>>> > -- Matthias
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Oct 1, 2014, at 10:46 PM, Alexander McLin <alex.mclin at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Hello,
>>> > >
>>> > > I've been working on a sample project to better understand how to
>>> use the contract system. I created a simple Bezier curve implementation and
>>> am using (provide (contract-out...) to attach contracts to the provided
>>> bindings.
>>> > >
>>> > > Basically I have a procedure called cubic-bezier that accepts two
>>> control point structs used to define the curve. It returns another
>>> procedure that actually generates the curve, it accepts an integer
>>> parameter that lies on [0, 1] and an optional keyword #:clamp-range. The
>>> generator procedure returns a number.
>>> > >
>>> > > The control point structure is a simple posn type that accepts X and
>>> Y fields where X must be between 0 and 1, and Y is allowed to be any number.
>>> > >
>>> > > Here are the contracts I defined provisionally:
>>> > >
>>> > > (provide (contract-out
>>> > > [struct bezier-control-point ((x (and/c number? (between/c
>>> 0 1)))
>>> > > (y number?))]
>>> > > [cubic-bezier (-> bezier-control-point?
>>> > > bezier-control-point?
>>> > > (->* ((and/c number? (between/c
>>> 0 1)))
>>> > > (#:clamp-range boolean?)
>>> > > number?))]))
>>> > >
>>> > > For the contract attached to cubic-bezier using ->, my thinking was
>>> to use ->* to generate the contract for the procedure returned by
>>> cubic-bezier but it's not working, meaning I'm not getting the any contract
>>> violations I'm expecting when giving bad inputs to cubic-bezier's value.
>>> > >
>>> > > How can I attach a more complex contract to cubic-bezier's value?
>>> > >
>>> > > Thank you
>>> > > Alexander McLin
>>> > > ____________________
>>> > > Racket Users list:
>>> > > http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
>>> >
>>> >
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