[racket] Mischief causing mischief
I’m trying to use the mischief #lang. I did raco pkg install mischief, and I see I have mischief installed among my Mac Library files.
I created a file with just:
#lang mischief
(define one 1)
When I click the Run arrow, I get error messages:
.undefined: undefined;
cannot use before initialization
. ../../Applications/Racket v6.1/share/pkgs/drracket/drracket/private/module-language.rkt:470:8: module->namespace: module not instantiated in the current namespace
name: #<resolved-module-path:'anonymous-module>
A backtrace on the first error suggests that Racket has actually found the mischief files, but I don’t see what I might fix. Suggestions?
[In previous message, I meant to say “Guardians of the Software _Galaxy_”, of course.]
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