[racket] Running subset of RackUnit tests
I would use submodules to manage selective testing, like this:
#lang racket
;; -> Void
;; does foo and bar
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; implementation
(require 2htdp/image)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (main)
(displayln `(foo and bar)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (main) (void)))
(module+ io-test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (with-output-to-string main) "(foo and bar)"))
Now run:
> $ raco test -s io-test foo.rkt
> raco test: (submod "foo.rkt" io-test)
> --------------------
> actual: "(foo and bar)\n"
> expected: "(foo and bar)"
> name: check-equal?
> location: (#<path:/Users/matthias/Hub/P1/bootstrap-transfer-algebra/foo.rkt> 23 2 426 59)
> expression: (check-equal? (with-output-to-string main) "(foo and bar)")
> Check failure
> --------------------
> 1/1 test failures
> $ matthias% raco test foo.rkt
> raco test: (submod "foo.rkt" test)
> (foo and bar)
> 1 test passed