[racket] PyonR: A Python Implementation for Racket

From: Pedro Ramos (pedropramos at tecnico.ulisboa.pt)
Date: Fri Nov 14 18:06:09 EST 2014


I'm releasing an implementation of the Python language for Racket, which I
have been developing over the last year as my master thesis in Information
Systems and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.

It currently supports most of Python 2.7's statements and some of its
built-in functions and methods. It also supports extended syntaxes to allow
importing Racket modules into Python code and vice-versa, as well as
importing modules via FFI from CPython's virtual machine.

The source-code and installation instructions are available on GitHub at:

I also expect to have some in-depth Scribble documentation in the near
future, mainly detailing the extensions to the Python language, i.e. the
interoperability between Python and Racket and the access to CPython's

Feel free to report any bugs or point out any missing Python feature,
function or method you would like to see implemented.

Best regards,
Pedro Ramos
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