[racket] 3D Plot example doesn't work in Typed Racket
I know what the bug is and it should be pretty simple to fix, but
please file a bug for tracking purposes.
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is one case in which Typed Racket could do better inference. I'm not
> sure what the difference is between Listof and Sequenceof that makes it
> treat them differently, but it does:
> #lang typed/racket
> ;; Typechecks
> (ann (list (vector 1 2 3))
> (Listof (Vector Any Any (U Real False))))
> ;; Fails
> (ann (list (vector 1 2 3))
> (Sequenceof (Vector Any Any (U Real False))))
> ;; Typechecks
> (ann (list (ann (vector 1 2 3)
> (Vector Any Any (U Real False))))
> (Sequenceof (Vector Any Any (U Real False))))
> If there shouldn't be a difference, it's an error that needs a bug report.
> In the meantime, use lists. This works fine:
> #lang typed/racket ;<- typed
> (require plot/typed) ;<- typed
> (plot-new-window? #t)
> (plot3d (discrete-histogram3d '((a a 1) (a b 2) (b b 3))
> #:label "Missing (b,a)"
> #:color 4 #:line-color 4))
> Neil ⊥
> On 05/30/2014 01:50 PM, Alexander D. Knauth wrote:
>> The problem isn’t with List vs. Sequenceof, the problem is that (Vector
>> Symbol Symbol Integer) isn’t a subtype of (Vector Any Any (U Real False
>> ivl)).
>> #lang typed/racket
>> (require plot/typed)
>> (ann (cast 0 (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer)) (Vector Any Any (U Real
>> False ivl)))
>> Also (Vector Symbol) isn’t a subtype of (Vector Any), either.
>> You can solve this problem by doing this:
>> #lang typed/racket ;<- typed
>> (require plot/typed) ;<- typed
>> (plot-new-window? #t)
>> (plot3d (discrete-histogram3d (ann '(#(a a 1) #(a b 2) #(b b 3))
>> (List (Vector Any Any (U Real False
>> ivl))
>> (Vector Any Any (U Real False
>> ivl))
>> (Vector Any Any (U Real False
>> ivl))))
>> #:label "Missing (b,a)"
>> #:color 4 #:line-color 4))
>> The type (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer) can’t be a subtype of (Vector
>> Any Any (U Real False ivl)) because Vectors are mutable.
>> From the perspective of an accessor it should be a subtype, but from
>> the perspective of a mutator it should be the other way around.
>> At one point I submitted a bug report about this, but it turns out I was
>> wrong.
>> http://bugs.racket-lang.org/query/?cmd=view%20audit-trail&database=default&pr=14506&return_url=http%3A%2F%2Fbugs.racket-lang.org%2Fquery%2F%3Fdatabase%3Ddefault%3Bdebug%3D%3BState%3Dany%3BSynopsis%3DVector%3Bmultitext%3D%3Bcolumns%3DState%3Bcolumns%3DSynopsis%3Bcolumns%3DCategory%3Bcolumns%3DLast-Modified%3Bcolumns%3DRelease%3Bcmd%3Dsubmit%2520query%3Bsortby%3DNumber
>> On May 30, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Greg Hendershott
>> <greghendershott at gmail.com <mailto:greghendershott at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> p.s. I happened to paste the error message from 5.3.5. The TR error
>>> message format in recent versions of Racket is much nicer; kudos!
>>> ; /tmp/tr.rkt:4:8: Type Checker: type mismatch
>>> ; expected: (Sequenceof
>>> ; (U (Vector Any Any (U Real False ivl))
>>> ; (List Any Any (U Real False ivl))))
>>> ; given: (List
>>> ; (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer)
>>> ; (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer)
>>> ; (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer))
>>> ; in: (discrete-histogram3d (quote (#(a a 1) #(a b 2) #(b b 3)))
>>> #:label "Missing (b,a)" #:color 4 #:line-color 4)
>>> On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Greg Hendershott
>>> <greghendershott at gmail.com <mailto:greghendershott at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> This example from the plot docs works great:
>>>> #lang racket
>>>> (require plot)
>>>> (plot-new-window? #t)
>>>> (plot3d (discrete-histogram3d '(#(a a 1) #(a b 2) #(b b 3))
>>>> #:label "Missing (b,a)"
>>>> #:color 4 #:line-color 4))
>>>> But not with Typed Racket:
>>>> #lang typed/racket ;<- typed
>>>> (require plot/typed) ;<- typed
>>>> (plot-new-window? #t)
>>>> (plot3d (discrete-histogram3d '(#(a a 1) #(a b 2) #(b b 3))
>>>> #:label "Missing (b,a)"
>>>> #:color 4 #:line-color 4))
>>>> ; /tmp/tr.rkt:7:8: Type Checker: Expected (Sequenceof (U (Vector
>>>> Any Any (U Real False ivl)) (List Any Any (U Real False ivl)))), but
>>>> got (List (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer) (Vector Symbol Symbol
>>>> Integer) (Vector Symbol Symbol Integer))
>>>> ; in: (discrete-histogram3d (quote (#(a a 1) #(a b 2) #(b b 3)))
>>>> #:label "Missing (b,a)" #:color 4 #:line-color 4)
>>>> It fails to typecheck on, but also back on 5.3.5.
>>>> I don't understand the error; a list is a sequence, no?
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