[racket] How to extend the syntax-checker?
Oh, nice! I didn't realize that, thanks.
After playing around with it, I realized it doesn't do everything I would
like it to do, however. For a couple of the macros that I provide in my
#lang language, I would like to provide some syntax rules such that Check
Syntax throws an error when a program breaks those rules. Is this possible?
For instance, say I have a macro in my language which provides a new form,
but a form that is only intended to be used with other macros and functions
provided by my language. That is to say, I would like to raise a syntax
error if the programmer tries to use procedures/macros not defined in my
language module *inside* a use of my macro, like this:
(restricted-begin ; A form of begin whose body I would like to restrict to
expressions in my language.
(one-of-my-features '(1 2 3))
(car '(1 2 3))) ; <-- since I do not define car in my language module,
disallow its use.
Basically, I have some special forms whose bodies I would like to restrict
to containing only features of my language, and not of standard Racket, in
effect preventing the intermingling of my language features and those of
I just realized that if this is at all possible, I would run into an issue
on the first line of that macro's body, where I use quote. Is it also
possible, given the possibility of the above, for me to allow certain
Racket features while restricting others, instead of just placing a blanket
syntax rejection of all things Racket?
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
> On May 29, 2014, at 11:49 PM, Daniel Brady <dabrady at umail.iu.edu> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I just finished creating a small #lang language, and now I would like to
> start creating some static debugging tools for it. The first thing on my
> list is a basic syntax checker. I consulted the DrRacket documentation on
> creating tools and plugins, but honestly it went a bit over my head: this
> is my first foray into extending anything, and I don't really know where to
> start.
> >
> > So my question(s) boils down to this: how can I provide syntax checking
> for my little #lang language? My little language really just provides some
> new syntactic forms, and is built directly on top of Racket, so there's
> nothing fancy I need to do with this: I just need to provide some new rules
> to the built-in syntax checker so that it also recognizes my extensions.
> How can I do this?
> If that's all there is, DrRacket provides Check Syntax automatically for
> your language. Part of the goal of the project is to specialize the IDE to
> new languages automatically. (No we're not there yet in general.)
> -- Matthias
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