[racket] Two question about Whalesong

From: Park SungMin (byulparan_eng at icloud.com)
Date: Wed May 28 14:27:04 EDT 2014

1. build problem
http://hashcollision.org/whalesong/ I read this document.
#lang racket/base
(require (planet dyoo/whalesong:1:18/make-launcher))

and run…

Library/Racket/planet/300/5.93/cache/dyoo/whalesong.plt/1/21/make-launcher.rkt:98:0: copy-file: cannot open source file
  source path: /Applications/Racket v5.93/collects/launcher/sh
  destination path: /Users/byul/whalesong
  system error: No such file or directory; errno=2

I got error message in 5.93, 6.01 both….

How build to Whalesong?

2. is Whalesong support REPL in browser?
 This is my video(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKYzfew1pnE) use CommonLisp.
 I am multimedia programmer, and I want make realtime animation on web.
 ClojureScript support REPL with Browser. Is it possible in Whalesong? 
 If not, Whalesong-dev have plan to support it?

sorry, My English skill is ugly :-< 

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