[racket] Scheme language ( I Need Your Help )

From: mansour.alqattan (mansour.alqattan at gmail.com)
Date: Wed May 28 13:42:06 EDT 2014


Thank you for your consideration and help in advance. I have three question and I hope you can help me with it:

1- First is there any program or technique for translate Java code or C code or any other languages to Scheme Code.

I need to translate from 

scm - > java
java - > scm

C - > scm
scm - > C

2- Is there potential features for finding or detecting the recent vulnerabilities by using Scheme language or any other language?

3- I have been asked to design a pattern which can formalize the potential vulnerability on source code.

4- My final question is there a potential technique to translate any intermediate languages code to other format to clarify the vulnerabilities of the code? if yes then how .. is there potential technique and tools?

I was thinking to translate the intermediate language to scheme code then to find tool which can analyse the scheme code to find the vulnerabilities. but i don't know how

Please I need answer for these questions as I am doing a research at the moment and I stuck in someways. the intermediate language that i am using is not meant to be for executing but it is used for understanding the IBM assembler.

I look forward to hear from you soon 


Mansour Alqattan
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