[racket] %<= doesn't like logic variables bound to numbers?
(require racklog)
(define (list-index l x)
(for/or ([y l] [i (in-naturals)] #:when (equal? x y)) i))
(define ALPHAQ '(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q))
;; Are U and V within N words of each other in S
(define %within-span-relational
(%rel (u up v vp n s)
[(u v n s)
(%is up (list-index s u))
(%is vp (list-index s v))
(%is #t (<= n (abs (- up vp))))] ))
;; > (%which () (%within-span-relational 'C 'G 3 ALPHAQ))
;; '()
;; Same as above but using the relation %<= instead of
(define %within-span-procedural
(%rel (u up v vp n s)
[(u v n s)
(%is up (list-index s u))
(%is vp (list-index s v))
(%<= n (abs (- up vp)))] ))
;; > (%which () (%within-span-procedural 'C 'G 3 ALPHAQ))
;; > -: contract violation
;; expected: number?
;; given: #<logic-var>
;; argument position: 1st
;; other arguments...:
;; #<logic-var>
;; context...:
;; /Applications/Racket/collects/racket/private/misc.rkt:87:7
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