[racket] Macro defining functions question

From: Marco Maggi (marco.maggi-ipsu at poste.it)
Date: Thu May 15 14:21:09 EDT 2014

Kevin Forchione wrote:
> This one leaves me scratching my head. Why doesn’t this work? When you
> run the  macro the functions aren’t  defined outside of the  extent of
> the begin.

> (define-syntax (foo stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(foo)
>      #'(begin
>          (define (bar x) x)
>          (define (baz x) x))]))

> After inning the macro (bar 3) produces an bar undefined error.

After the your definition of the syntax FOO, you can think of:

   (foo) ;this is the syntax use

as expanding to:

     (define (G0 G2) G2)
     (define (G3 G4) G4)) ;this is the output form

that is: all the identifiers  in binding position and reference position
introduced in the  syntax-use's output-form have been  renamed to unique
gensyms; there  are no  bindings with  name BAR and  BAZ in  the lexical
context of the syntax use.

  Instead, if you do:

   (define-syntax (foo stx)
     (syntax-case stx ()
        (datum->syntax #'foo
                          (define (bar x) x)
                          (define (baz x) x)))]))

   (bar 1)
   (baz 2)

everything works because DATUM->SYNTAX transforms all the symbols in the
symbolic expression into identifiers belonging to the lexical context of
the syntax use.  Such definition is equivalent to:

   (define-syntax (foo stx)
     (syntax-case stx ()
       [(foo ?stuff)

   (foo (begin
          (define (bar x) x)
          (define (baz x) x)))
   (bar 1)
   (baz 2)

  Usually, to  introduce unhygienic bindings  in the lexical  context of
the syntax use, one does:

   (define-syntax (foo stx)
     (syntax-case stx ()
            ((BAR (datum->syntax #'foo 'bar))
             (BAZ (datum->syntax #'foo 'baz)))
              (define (BAR x) x)
              (define (BAZ x) x)))]))

   (bar 1)
   (baz 2)

so that only BAR and BAZ are  marked as belonging to the lexical context
of the syntax use.  Such definition is equivalent to:

   (define-syntax (foo stx)
     (syntax-case stx ()
       [(foo ?bar ?baz)
            (define (?bar x) x)
            (define (?baz x) x))]))

   (foo bar baz)
   (bar 1)
   (baz 2)

which is the "correct" way of doing things because: first it creates the
identifiers BAR and BAZ in the lexical context of the syntax use; second
it  composes the  output form  with such  identifiers, without  breaking

Marco Maggi

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