[racket] universe and big-bang initial state

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed May 14 08:32:32 EDT 2014

If the clients use big-bang, any event will be handled whether or not the initial state has been received. I have encountered this design problem numerous times and I sense that we should be able to deal with it more elegantly than by using [Maybe ProperState]. In the meantime, this is what you have to do. See Realm of Racket, Hungry Henry for an example. (In defense of the current design, it corresponds to what you need to do in almost all systems.) -- Matthias

On May 13, 2014, at 11:54 PM, Sean Kanaley wrote:

> I am making a server controlled game, where the clients are just input/outputs to/from the server.  Therefore the clients have no valid independent initial state.  Is there some way to hold off until the server handles the incoming connection by sending the initial state to it?  Otherwise it's pretty much use #f in big-bang and busy wait all the handlers.
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