[racket] math/matrix

From: Neil Toronto (neil.toronto at gmail.com)
Date: Tue May 13 16:19:16 EDT 2014

We need a predicate like

   (: flonum-matrix? (All (A) (-> (Matrix A) Boolean : (Matrix Flonum))))

Then `matrix-solve` could dispatch to `flmatrix-solve` and still be 
well-typed. We could/should do something similar for every operation for 
which checking flonum-ness is cheap compared to computing the result, 
which at least includes everything O(n^3).

One thing we should really do is get your LAPACK FFI into the math 
library and have `flmatrix-solve` use that, but fail over to Racket code 
systems that don't have LAPACK. If I remember right, it would have to 
transpose the data because LAPACK is column-major.

Some thoughts, in no particular order:

  1. Because of transposition and FFI overhead, there's a matrix size 
threshold under which we ideally should use the code below, even on 
systems with LAPACK installed.

  2. Because of small differences in how it finds pivots, LAPACK's 
solver can return slightly different results. Should we worry about that 
at all?

  3. A design decision: if a matrix contains just one flonum, should we 
convert it to (Matrix Flonum) and solve it quickly with 
`flmatrix-solve`, or use the current `matrix-solve` to preserve some of 
its exactness?

I lean toward regarding a matrix with one flonum as a flonum matrix. 
It's definitely easier to write library code for, and would make it 
easier for users to predict when a result entry will be exact. 
Currently, we have this somewhat confusing situation, in which how 
pivots are chosen determines which result entries are exact:

 > (matrix-row-echelon (matrix ([1 2 3] [4.0 5 4])) #t #t 'first)
(mutable-array #[#[1 0 -2.333333333333333]
                  #[-0.0 1.0 2.6666666666666665]])

 > (matrix-row-echelon (matrix ([1 2 3] [4.0 5 4])) #t #t 'partial)
(mutable-array #[#[1.0 0.0 -2.333333333333333]
                  #[0 1.0 2.6666666666666665]])

I doubt this has caused problems for anyone, but it bothers me a little.

Neil ⊥

On 05/13/2014 12:45 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> That's great!
> The question is now how to automate this sort of thing.
> /Jens Axel
> 2014-05-13 1:39 GMT+02:00 Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>:
>> When I change it to operate on (Vectorof FlVector) instead of (Vectorof
>> (Vectorof Flonum)), I get this:
>> cpu time: 996 real time: 995 gc time: 22
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> cpu time: 15387 real time: 15384 gc time: 13006
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> cpu time: 1057 real time: 1056 gc time: 85
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> cpu time: 11514 real time: 11510 gc time: 9097
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> cpu time: 1079 real time: 1079 gc time: 100
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> cpu time: 15425 real time: 15426 gc time: 13072
>> 1.0000000000009335
>> When I use `racket/unsafe/ops` instead of `math/private/unsafe`, I get this:
>> cpu time: 591 real time: 591 gc time: 17
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> cpu time: 11514 real time: 11509 gc time: 9195
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> cpu time: 604 real time: 604 gc time: 31
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> cpu time: 15739 real time: 15737 gc time: 13358
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> cpu time: 596 real time: 595 gc time: 24
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> cpu time: 11498 real time: 11493 gc time: 9154
>> 1.0000000000016622
>> Racket's floating-point math is fast if the flonums aren't allocated
>> separately on the heap.
>> Neil ⊥
>> On 05/12/2014 02:17 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> You were absolute right. The version below cuts the time in half.
>>> It is mostly cut and paste from existing functions and removing
>>> non-Flonum cases.
>>> /Jens Axel
>>> #lang typed/racket
>>> (require math/matrix
>>>            math/array
>>>            math/private/matrix/utils
>>>            math/private/vector/vector-mutate
>>>            math/private/unsafe
>>>            (only-in racket/unsafe/ops unsafe-fl/)
>>>            racket/fixnum
>>>            racket/flonum
>>>            racket/list)
>>> (define-type Pivoting (U 'first 'partial))
>>> (: flonum-matrix-gauss-elim
>>>      (case-> ((Matrix Flonum) -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof Index)))
>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof
>>> Index)))
>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any Any -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof
>>> Index)))
>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any Any Pivoting -> (Values (Matrix
>>> Flonum) (Listof Index)))))
>>> (define (flonum-matrix-gauss-elim M [jordan? #f] [unitize-pivot? #f]
>>> [pivoting 'partial])
>>>     (define-values (m n) (matrix-shape M))
>>>     (define rows (matrix->vector* M))
>>>     (let loop ([#{i : Nonnegative-Fixnum} 0]
>>>                [#{j : Nonnegative-Fixnum} 0]
>>>                [#{without-pivot : (Listof Index)} empty])
>>>       (cond
>>>         [(j . fx>= . n)
>>>          (values (vector*->matrix rows)
>>>                  (reverse without-pivot))]
>>>         [(i . fx>= . m)
>>>          (values (vector*->matrix rows)
>>>                  ;; None of the rest of the columns can have pivots
>>>                  (let loop ([#{j : Nonnegative-Fixnum} j] [without-pivot
>>> without-pivot])
>>>                    (cond [(j . fx< . n)  (loop (fx+ j 1) (cons j
>>> without-pivot))]
>>>                          [else  (reverse without-pivot)])))]
>>>         [else
>>>          (define-values (p pivot)
>>>            (case pivoting
>>>              [(partial)  (find-partial-pivot rows m i j)]
>>>              [(first)    (find-first-pivot rows m i j)]))
>>>          (cond
>>>            [(zero? pivot)  (loop i (fx+ j 1) (cons j without-pivot))]
>>>            [else
>>>             ;; Swap pivot row with current
>>>             (vector-swap! rows i p)
>>>             ;; Possibly unitize the new current row
>>>             (let ([pivot  (if unitize-pivot?
>>>                               (begin (vector-scale! (unsafe-vector-ref rows
>>> i)
>>>                                                     (unsafe-fl/ 1. pivot))
>>>                                      (unsafe-fl/ pivot pivot))
>>>                               pivot)])
>>>               (flonum-elim-rows! rows m i j pivot (if jordan? 0 (fx+ i 1)))
>>>               (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1) without-pivot))])])))
>>> (: flonum-elim-rows!
>>>      ((Vectorof (Vectorof Flonum)) Index Index Index Flonum
>>> Nonnegative-Fixnum -> Void))
>>> (define (flonum-elim-rows! rows m i j pivot start)
>>>     (define row_i (unsafe-vector-ref rows i))
>>>     (let loop ([#{l : Nonnegative-Fixnum} start])
>>>       (when (l . fx< . m)
>>>         (unless (l . fx= . i)
>>>           (define row_l (unsafe-vector-ref rows l))
>>>           (define x_lj (unsafe-vector-ref row_l j))
>>>           (unless (= x_lj 0)
>>>             (flonum-vector-scaled-add! row_l row_i (fl* -1. (fl/ x_lj
>>> pivot)) j)
>>>             ;; Make sure the element below the pivot is zero
>>>             (unsafe-vector-set! row_l j (- x_lj x_lj))))
>>>         (loop (fx+ l 1)))))
>>> (: flonum-matrix-solve
>>>      (All (A) (case->
>>>                ((Matrix Flonum) (Matrix Flonum)        -> (Matrix Flonum))
>>>                ((Matrix Flonum) (Matrix Flonum) (-> A) -> (U A (Matrix
>>> Flonum))))))
>>> (define flonum-matrix-solve
>>>     (case-lambda
>>>       [(M B)  (flonum-matrix-solve
>>>                M B (λ () (raise-argument-error 'flonum-matrix-solve
>>> "matrix-invertible?" 0 M B)))]
>>>       [(M B fail)
>>>        (define m (square-matrix-size M))
>>>        (define-values (s t) (matrix-shape B))
>>>        (cond [(= m s)
>>>               (define-values (IX wps)
>>>                 (parameterize ([array-strictness #f])
>>>                   (flonum-matrix-gauss-elim (matrix-augment (list M B)) #t
>>> #t)))
>>>               (cond [(and (not (empty? wps)) (= (first wps) m))
>>>                      (submatrix IX (::) (:: m #f))]
>>>                     [else  (fail)])]
>>>              [else
>>>               (error 'flonum-matrix-solve
>>>                      "matrices must have the same number of rows; given ~e
>>> and ~e"
>>>                      M B)])]))
>>> (define-syntax-rule (flonum-vector-generic-scaled-add! vs0-expr
>>> vs1-expr v-expr start-expr + *)
>>>     (let* ([vs0  vs0-expr]
>>>            [vs1  vs1-expr]
>>>            [v    v-expr]
>>>            [n    (fxmin (vector-length vs0) (vector-length vs1))])
>>>       (let loop ([#{i : Nonnegative-Fixnum} (fxmin start-expr n)])
>>>         (if (i . fx< . n)
>>>             (begin (unsafe-vector-set! vs0 i (+ (unsafe-vector-ref vs0 i)
>>>                                                 (* (unsafe-vector-ref vs1
>>> i) v)))
>>>                    (loop (fx+ i 1)))
>>>             (void)))))
>>> (: flonum-vector-scaled-add!
>>>      (case-> ((Vectorof Flonum) (Vectorof Flonum) Flonum -> Void)
>>>              ((Vectorof Flonum) (Vectorof Flonum) Flonum Index -> Void)))
>>> (define (flonum-vector-scaled-add! vs0 vs1 s [start 0])
>>>     (flonum-vector-generic-scaled-add! vs0 vs1 s start + *))
>>> (: mx Index)
>>> (define mx 600)
>>> (: r (Index Index -> Flonum))
>>> (define (r i j) (random))
>>> (: A : (Matrix Flonum))
>>> (define A (build-matrix mx mx r))
>>> (: sum : Integer Integer -> Flonum)
>>> (define (sum i n)
>>>     (let loop ((j 0) (acc 0.0))
>>>       (if (>= j mx) acc
>>>           (loop (+ j 1) (+ acc (matrix-ref A i j))) )))
>>> (: b : (Matrix Flonum))
>>> (define b (build-matrix mx 1 sum))
>>> (time
>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> (time
>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> (time
>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> (time
>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> (time
>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> (time
>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>> /Jens Axel
>>> 2014-05-11 23:26 GMT+02:00 Eric Dobson <eric.n.dobson at gmail.com>:
>>>> Where is the time spent in the algorithm? I assume that most of it is
>>>> in the matrix manipulation work not the orchestration of finding a
>>>> pivot and reducing based on that. I.e. `elim-rows!` is the expensive
>>>> part. Given that you only specialized the outer part of the loop, I
>>>> wouldn't expect huge performance changes.
>>>> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard
>>>> <jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
>>>>> I tried restricting the matrix-solve and matrix-gauss-elim to (Matrix
>>>>> Flonum).
>>>>> I can't observe a change in the timings.
>>>>> #lang typed/racket
>>>>> (require math/matrix
>>>>>            math/array
>>>>>            math/private/matrix/utils
>>>>>            math/private/vector/vector-mutate
>>>>>            math/private/unsafe
>>>>>            (only-in racket/unsafe/ops unsafe-fl/)
>>>>>            racket/fixnum
>>>>>            racket/list)
>>>>> (define-type Pivoting (U 'first 'partial))
>>>>> (: flonum-matrix-gauss-elim
>>>>>      (case-> ((Matrix Flonum) -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof Index)))
>>>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof
>>>>> Index)))
>>>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any Any -> (Values (Matrix Flonum) (Listof
>>>>> Index)))
>>>>>              ((Matrix Flonum) Any Any Pivoting -> (Values (Matrix
>>>>> Flonum) (Listof Index)))))
>>>>> (define (flonum-matrix-gauss-elim M [jordan? #f] [unitize-pivot? #f]
>>>>> [pivoting 'partial])
>>>>>     (define-values (m n) (matrix-shape M))
>>>>>     (define rows (matrix->vector* M))
>>>>>     (let loop ([#{i : Nonnegative-Fixnum} 0]
>>>>>                [#{j : Nonnegative-Fixnum} 0]
>>>>>                [#{without-pivot : (Listof Index)} empty])
>>>>>       (cond
>>>>>         [(j . fx>= . n)
>>>>>          (values (vector*->matrix rows)
>>>>>                  (reverse without-pivot))]
>>>>>         [(i . fx>= . m)
>>>>>          (values (vector*->matrix rows)
>>>>>                  ;; None of the rest of the columns can have pivots
>>>>>                  (let loop ([#{j : Nonnegative-Fixnum} j] [without-pivot
>>>>> without-pivot])
>>>>>                    (cond [(j . fx< . n)  (loop (fx+ j 1) (cons j
>>>>> without-pivot))]
>>>>>                          [else  (reverse without-pivot)])))]
>>>>>         [else
>>>>>          (define-values (p pivot)
>>>>>            (case pivoting
>>>>>              [(partial)  (find-partial-pivot rows m i j)]
>>>>>              [(first)    (find-first-pivot rows m i j)]))
>>>>>          (cond
>>>>>            [(zero? pivot)  (loop i (fx+ j 1) (cons j without-pivot))]
>>>>>            [else
>>>>>             ;; Swap pivot row with current
>>>>>             (vector-swap! rows i p)
>>>>>             ;; Possibly unitize the new current row
>>>>>             (let ([pivot  (if unitize-pivot?
>>>>>                               (begin (vector-scale! (unsafe-vector-ref
>>>>> rows i)
>>>>>                                                     (unsafe-fl/ 1.
>>>>> pivot))
>>>>>                                      (unsafe-fl/ pivot pivot))
>>>>>                               pivot)])
>>>>>               (elim-rows! rows m i j pivot (if jordan? 0 (fx+ i 1)))
>>>>>               (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1) without-pivot))])])))
>>>>> (: flonum-matrix-solve
>>>>>      (All (A) (case->
>>>>>                ((Matrix Flonum) (Matrix Flonum)        -> (Matrix
>>>>> Flonum))
>>>>>                ((Matrix Flonum) (Matrix Flonum) (-> A) -> (U A (Matrix
>>>>> Flonum))))))
>>>>> (define flonum-matrix-solve
>>>>>     (case-lambda
>>>>>       [(M B)  (flonum-matrix-solve
>>>>>                M B (λ () (raise-argument-error 'flonum-matrix-solve
>>>>> "matrix-invertible?" 0 M B)))]
>>>>>       [(M B fail)
>>>>>        (define m (square-matrix-size M))
>>>>>        (define-values (s t) (matrix-shape B))
>>>>>        (cond [(= m s)
>>>>>               (define-values (IX wps)
>>>>>                 (parameterize ([array-strictness #f])
>>>>>                   (flonum-matrix-gauss-elim (matrix-augment (list M B))
>>>>> #t #t)))
>>>>>               (cond [(and (not (empty? wps)) (= (first wps) m))
>>>>>                      (submatrix IX (::) (:: m #f))]
>>>>>                     [else  (fail)])]
>>>>>              [else
>>>>>               (error 'flonum-matrix-solve
>>>>>                      "matrices must have the same number of rows; given
>>>>> ~e and ~e"
>>>>>                      M B)])]))
>>>>> (: mx Index)
>>>>> (define mx 600)
>>>>> (: r (Index Index -> Flonum))
>>>>> (define (r i j) (random))
>>>>> (: A : (Matrix Flonum))
>>>>> (define A (build-matrix mx mx r))
>>>>> (: sum : Integer Integer -> Flonum)
>>>>> (define (sum i n)
>>>>>     (let loop ((j 0) (acc 0.0))
>>>>>       (if (>= j mx) acc
>>>>>           (loop (+ j 1) (+ acc (matrix-ref A i j))) )))
>>>>> (: b : (Matrix Flonum))
>>>>> (define b (build-matrix mx 1 sum))
>>>>> (time
>>>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> (time
>>>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> (time
>>>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> (time
>>>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> (time
>>>>>    (let [(m (flonum-matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> (time
>>>>> (let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
>>>>>     (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
>>>>> 2014-05-11 21:48 GMT+02:00 Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> The garbage collection time is probably from cleaning up boxed flonums,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> possibly intermediate vectors. If so, a separate implementation of
>>>>>> Gaussian
>>>>>> elimination for the FlArray type would cut the GC time to nearly zero.
>>>>>> Neil ⊥
>>>>>> On 05/11/2014 01:36 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
>>>>>>> Or ... you could take a look at
>>>>>>> https://github.com/plt/racket/blob/master/pkgs/math-pkgs/math-lib/math/private/matrix/matrix-gauss-elim.rkt
>>>>>>> at see if something can be improved.
>>>>>>> /Jens Axel
>>>>>>> 2014-05-11 21:30 GMT+02:00 Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Eduardo,
>>>>>>>> The math/matrix library uses the arrays from math/array to represent
>>>>>>>> matrices.
>>>>>>>> If you want to try the same representation as Bigloo, you could try
>>>>>>>> Will
>>>>>>>> Farr's
>>>>>>>> matrix library:
>>>>>>>> http://planet.racket-lang.org/package-source/wmfarr/simple-matrix.plt/1/1/planet-docs/simple-matrix/index.html
>>>>>>>> I am interested in hearing the results.
>>>>>>>> /Jens Axel
>>>>>>>> 2014-05-11 21:18 GMT+02:00 Eduardo Costa <edu500ac at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> What is bothering me is the time Racket is spending in garbage
>>>>>>>>> collection.
>>>>>>>>> ~/wrk/scm/rkt/matrix$ racket matrix.rkt
>>>>>>>>> 0.9999999999967226
>>>>>>>>> cpu time: 61416 real time: 61214 gc time: 32164
>>>>>>>>> If I am reading the output correctly, Racket is spending 32 seconds
>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> 61 seconds in garbage collection.
>>>>>>>>>     I am following Junia Magellan's computer language comparison and
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>> understand why Racket needs the garbage collector for doing Gaussian
>>>>>>>>> elimination. In a slow Compaq/HP machine, solving a system of 800
>>>>>>>>> linear
>>>>>>>>> equations takes 17.3 seconds in Bigloo, but requires 58 seconds in
>>>>>>>>> Racket,
>>>>>>>>> even after removing the building of the linear system from
>>>>>>>>> consideration.
>>>>>>>>> Common Lisp is also much faster than Racket in processing arrays. I
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> like to point out that Racket is very fast in general. The only
>>>>>>>>> occasion
>>>>>>>>> that it lags badly behind Common Lisp and Bigloo is when one needs
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> deal
>>>>>>>>> with arrays.
>>>>>>>>> Basically, Junia is using Rasch method to measure certain latent
>>>>>>>>> traits
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> computer languages, like productivity and coaching time. In any
>>>>>>>>> case,
>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>> needs to do a lot of matrix calculations to invert the Rasch model.
>>>>>>>>> Since
>>>>>>>>> Bigloo works with homogeneous vectors, she wrote a few macros to
>>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> elements of a matrix:
>>>>>>>>> (define (mkv n) (make-f64vector n))
>>>>>>>>> (define $ f64vector-ref)
>>>>>>>>> (define $! f64vector-set!)
>>>>>>>>> (define len f64vector-length)
>>>>>>>>> (define-syntax $$
>>>>>>>>>       (syntax-rules ()
>>>>>>>>>          (($$ m i j) (f64vector-ref (vector-ref m i) j))))
>>>>>>>>> (define-syntax $$!
>>>>>>>>>       (syntax-rules ()
>>>>>>>>>          (($$! matrix row column value)
>>>>>>>>>           ($! (vector-ref matrix row) column value))))
>>>>>>>>> I wonder whether homogeneous vectors would speed up Racket. In the
>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>> computer that Racket takes 80 seconds to build and invert a system
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> equations, Bigloo takes 17.3 seconds, as I told before. Common Lisp
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>> faster. However, if one subtracts the gc time from Racket's total
>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> result comes quite close to Common Lisp or Bigloo.
>>>>>>>>> ~/wrk/bgl$ bigloo -Obench bigmat.scm -o big
>>>>>>>>> ~/wrk/bgl$ time ./big
>>>>>>>>> 0.9999999999965746 1.000000000000774 0.9999999999993039
>>>>>>>>> 0.9999999999982576
>>>>>>>>> 1.000000000007648 0.999999999996588
>>>>>>>>> real    0m17.423s
>>>>>>>>> user    0m17.384s
>>>>>>>>> sys    0m0.032s
>>>>>>>>> ~/wrk/bgl$
>>>>>>>>> Well, bigloo may perform global optimizations, but Common Lisp
>>>>>>>>> doesn't.
>>>>>>>>> When
>>>>>>>>> one is not dealing with matrices, Racket is faster than Common Lisp.
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>>> you can tell me how to rewrite the program in order to avoid garbage
>>>>>>>>> collection.
>>>>>>>>> By the way, you may want to know why not use Bigloo or Common Lisp
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> invert
>>>>>>>>> the Rasch model. The problem is that Junia and her co-workers are
>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>> hosting services that do not give access to the server or to the
>>>>>>>>> jailshell.
>>>>>>>>> Since Bigloo requires gcc based compilation, Junia discarded it
>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>> away.
>>>>>>>>> Not long ago, the hosting service stopped responding to the sbcl
>>>>>>>>> Common
>>>>>>>>> Lisp
>>>>>>>>> compiler for reasons that I cannot fathom.  Although Racket 6.0
>>>>>>>>> stopped
>>>>>>>>> working too, Racket 6.0.1 is working fine. This left Junia, her
>>>>>>>>> co-workers
>>>>>>>>> and students with Racket as their sole option. As for myself, I am
>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>> curious.
>>>>>>>>> 2014-05-11 6:23 GMT-03:00 Jens Axel Søgaard <jensaxel at soegaard.net>:
>>>>>>>>>> 2014-05-11 6:09 GMT+02:00 Eduardo Costa <edu500ac at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> The documentation says that one should expect typed/racket to be
>>>>>>>>>>> faster
>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>> racket. I tested the math/matrix library and it seems to be almost
>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>> slow
>>>>>>>>>>> in typed/racket as in racket.
>>>>>>>>>> What was (is?) slow was a call in an untyped module A to a function
>>>>>>>>>> exported
>>>>>>>>>> from a typed module B. The functions in B must check at runtime
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> the values coming from A are of the correct type. If the A was
>>>>>>>>>> written
>>>>>>>>>> in Typed Racket, the types would be known at compile time.
>>>>>>>>>> Here math/matrix is written in Typed Racket, so if you are writing
>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>> untyped module, you will in general want to minimize the use
>>>>>>>>>> of,say,
>>>>>>>>>> maxtrix-ref. Instead operations that works on entire matrices or
>>>>>>>>>> row/columns are preferred.
>>>>>>>>>>> (: sum : Integer Integer -> Flonum)
>>>>>>>>>>> (define (sum i n)
>>>>>>>>>>>      (let loop ((j 0) (acc 0.0))
>>>>>>>>>>>        (if (>= j mx) acc
>>>>>>>>>>>            (loop (+ j 1) (+ acc (matrix-ref A i j))) )))
>>>>>>>>>>> (: b : (Matrix Flonum))
>>>>>>>>>>> (define b (build-matrix mx 1 sum))
>>>>>>>>>> The matrix b contains the sums of each row in the matrix.
>>>>>>>>>> Since matrices are a subset of arrays, you can use array-axis-sum,
>>>>>>>>>> which computes sum along a given axis (i.e. a row or a column when
>>>>>>>>>> speaking of matrices).
>>>>>>>>>> (define A (matrix [[0. 1. 2.]
>>>>>>>>>>                       [3. 4. 5.]
>>>>>>>>>>                       [6. 7. 8.]]))
>>>>>>>>>>> (array-axis-sum A 1)
>>>>>>>>>> - : (Array Flonum)
>>>>>>>>>> (array #[3.0 12.0 21.0])
>>>>>>>>>> However as Eric points out, matrix-solve is an O(n^3) algorithm,
>>>>>>>>>> so the majority of the time is spent in matrix-solve.
>>>>>>>>>> Apart from finding a way to exploit the relationship between your
>>>>>>>>>> matrix A and the column vector b, I see no obvious way of
>>>>>>>>>> speeding up the code.
>>>>>>>>>> Note that when you benchmark with
>>>>>>>>>>       time racket matrix.rkt
>>>>>>>>>> you will include startup and compilation time.
>>>>>>>>>> Therefore if you want to time the matrix code,
>>>>>>>>>> insert a literal (time ...) call.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Jens Axel Søgaard
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Jens Axel Søgaard
>>>>>> ____________________
>>>>>>    Racket Users list:
>>>>>>    http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jens Axel Søgaard
>>>>> ____________________
>>>>>     Racket Users list:
>>>>>     http://lists.racket-lang.org/users

Posted on the users mailing list.