[racket] Error with MrEd Designer package
Hi Jérôme,
The `(require (planet ...))` will download the old package from the old
package repository:
instead of the one on github, which is registered on the new package
The old package is fine if you use an old version of Racket though (but is
not the preferred way).
The error you get suggests that you are indeed running a (quite) old
version of Racket.
In the best case, if it's possible, you should:
1) Download and install a new version of Racket from
2) Install MrEd Designer with either:
2a) from within DrRacket, "Fichier" > "Installer un paquetage", type
mred-designer and "Installer"
2b) from the command line: raco pkg install mred-designer
3) Run mred designer with either:
3a) from within DrRacket, in the interaction window, type `(require
3b) from the command line (recommended), type `racket -l mred-designer`
If you cannot download a more recent version of Racket, you should first
remove the 3.10 version of MrEd Designer, and install an older one that
does not use `module+` with:
(require (planet orseau/mred-designer:3:9))
hoping that your version of Racket is sufficiently recent (otherwise you
could try an even older version of MrEd Designer).
However, I have a sudden doubt: will requiring a lower minor version number
require actually the highest minor version number for the same major
version number?
If so, you will get the exact same error than the one you had...
Keep me posted.
On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Jérôme Brilland <jeromebri at gmx.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am beginner with Racket. I would like to try MrEd Designer :
> https://github.com/Metaxal/MrEd-Designer/wiki/User%27s-Documentation
> I have downloaded the package with :
> (require (planet orseau/mred-designer:3:10))
> I am trying to use the module :
> (require (planet orseau/mred-designer))
> But I get the following error :
> .
> .racket/planet/300/5.2.1/cache/orseau/mred-designer.plt/3/10/templates.ss:11:1:
> expand: unbound identifier in module in: module+
> >
> Could you help me ?
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