[racket] math/matrix
The documentation says that one should expect typed/racket to be faster
than racket. I tested the math/matrix library and it seems to be almost as
slow in typed/racket as in racket. Here is the program in typed racket:
#lang typed/racket ; file: matrix.rkt
(require math/matrix)
(: mx Index)
(define mx 600)
(: r (Index Index -> Flonum))
(define (r i j) (random))
(: A : (Matrix Flonum))
(define A (build-matrix mx mx r))
(: sum : Integer Integer -> Flonum)
(define (sum i n)
(let loop ((j 0) (acc 0.0))
(if (>= j mx) acc
(loop (+ j 1) (+ acc (matrix-ref A i j))) )))
(: b : (Matrix Flonum))
(define b (build-matrix mx 1 sum))
(let [(m (matrix-solve A b))]
(displayln (matrix-ref m 0 0)))
You can run it thus:
time racket matrix.rkt
What should I do to speedup the above code?
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