[racket] "lab notebook on learning process" (was: Re: Macros baffle me)
The question "who is at fault" is not meant as some kind of personal attack
(= emotional is what you meant?) at the "jerk(s)" responsible, but rather
as a question whose answer gives input to selecting the best course of
action. Since my English isn't working today, in Racket:
;solve-problem : blame-who -> action
(define (alleviate-problem who)
(case who
[(Racket) (file-bug-report)]
[(me) (stop-being-stupid)]
[else (post-for-clarification)]))
The main use of this is to avoid filing bug reports for my own bugs.
On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Hendrik Boom <hendrik at topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 11:58:17AM -0400, Sean Kanaley wrote:
> > So technically it was my fault,
> > but the documentation could benefit from some kind of "WARNING!" section
> on
> > each or at least especially dangerous pages for such pitfalls. Imagine
> if
> > your car explodes if you have the break depressed while turning the AC
> > dial. Probably don't want that info on page 87 subsection a.1.c. But
> > since there's no way to anticipate all potential user bugs, it's not
> really
> > the fault of the documentation writers either. So who/what is at fault?
> A better question that 'who is at fault' would be 'what can be done to
> alleviate the problem'.
> I would make it less of an emotional issue.
> -- hendrik
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