[racket] typed racket and interfaces

From: Konrad Hinsen (konrad.hinsen at fastmail.net)
Date: Sat May 3 06:21:10 EDT 2014

Asumu Takikawa writes:

 > On 2014-05-02 18:57:52 +0200, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
 > > Interfaces provide functions that dispatch on the type of one of their
 > > arguments. I don't see how that can be done with types.
 > Maybe we are talking about different things. Interfaces[1] for classes
 > just provide a mechanism for ensuring certain methods are implemented.
 > They don't provide any dispatch.
 > Were you referring to generic interfaces[2] for structs? (also, it was
 > perhaps a mistake on our part to also call those interfaces)

Yes, I was thinking of generic interfaces. In fact, I didn't even know
there was something else called "interface" in Racket. Sorry!


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