[racket] Racket Salon March!

From: Daniel King (daniel.zidan.king at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 25 12:24:28 EDT 2014

Hi everyone!

We'll have a couple authors from the Realm of Racket book talk to us
about the motivation, development, and impact of Realm of Racket!

We also tentatively have a talk from Greg Hendershott about
racket-mode, a major mode for Emacs.

Racket Salon March will take place on March 27th (this week!) 7-9PM at
Northeastern University in WVH 366.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Daniel King
<daniel.zidan.king at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm still looking for anyone interested in giving a tutorial at the
> March Racket Salon, tentatively slated for March 27th.
> Alternatively, if anyone is interested in giving a talk about their
> experience using Racket, please do get in touch!
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Daniel King
> <daniel.zidan.king at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Users,
>> I want to expand Racket Salon Boston from talks to talks and tutorial
>> sessions. I'm looking for someone to talk about a piece of Racket they
>> use and understand well, then help the attendees write a program using
>> that piece of Racket.
>> I thought of doing an IRC client, maybe some machine learning or
>> numerical algorithms with the math library, how to create a Racket
>> package, etc.
>> If anyone has the interest and expertise for this, send me an email!
>> We'd love to have you come chat at Racket Salon in March (or in the
>> future!).
>> --
>> Dan King
> --
> Dan King

Dan King

Posted on the users mailing list.