[racket] Getting the old scribble css style in Racket 6.0

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 12 18:47:36 EDT 2014



Probably, you need to change "foo.scrbl" to start `#lang scribble/manual`,
but using `manual-doc-style` is also an option.

When a document is rendered via the `scribblings` field in "info.rkt",
`raco setup` effectively adds `manual-doc-style` to the document's main

At Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:19:20 -0300, Ismael Figueroa wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently installed DrRacket 6.0, and I am now doing some scribbling work.
> However when I run scribble --html foo.scrbl I am getting the old css
> instead of the newest one...
> More strangely, when I install a package the documentation is "scribbled",
> and the resulting files use the new style. So I'm a bit puzzled...
> Any hints would be appreciated
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Ismael
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