[racket] Is it possible to use contract-profile in Typed Racket?
I pushed `contract-profile-thunk' a few days ago, to solve precisely
that problem. Since it's a function, it can be `require/typed' (with
type `(-> (-> Any) Any)', for example).
If you're not running from HEAD, you can add its definition to an
untyped file:
(define (contract-profile-thunk f)
(contract-profile (f)))
At Mon, 3 Mar 2014 20:26:07 -0500,
Greg Hendershott wrote:
> Is it possible to use contract-profile in Typed Racket?
> #lang typed/racket
> (define (x)
> #t)
> (require contract-profile)
> (contract-profile (x))
> Gives:
> ; Type Checker: Error in macro expansion -- insufficient type
> information to typecheck. please add more type annotations
> ; in: (contract-profile (x))
> Even though `contract-profile` is syntax not a function I tried:
> (require/typed contract-profile [contract-profile (Any ... -> Any)])
> but that gives:
> ; contract-profile: use does not match pattern: (contract-profile body ...)
> ; in: contract-profile
> And ditto for `(Any Any ... -> Any)` and `(Any -> Any)`, `(whatever -> Void)`.
> I also checked and there's no typed/contract-profile.
> ?
> Thanks.
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