[racket] [Racket Syntax] Check if identifier is lexically bound

From: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (samth at cs.indiana.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 3 14:47:13 EST 2014

I'm pretty sure that this is just implementing an internal definition
context inside the `METHOD` macro, and should therefore use the
techniques discussed in this paper:

In general, trying to traverse the body of the `METHOD` before
expanding it will never actually do the right thing -- the only way to
understand pre-expansion Racket forms is to expand them.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Okay, got it.
> (1) I can't see better ways to accomplish what you want, other than turning identifiers into symbols and looking them up in a hash table (which defaults to void).
> (2) I admit it's ugly to keep track of lexical vars like that. Chez used to have fluid-syntax-let, and it would have helped a bit here. We don't have it, or I am too out of it today to find something similar.
> Perhaps someone from the unstable/syntax family can help.
> -- Matthias
> On Mar 3, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Chrisophe Vandenberghe <chvndb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If  you run the code (the last one I posted) it outputs '(1 2 #<void> #<void>). But, I want it to output '(1 2 1 #<void>).
>> There is a (define c 1) which is not recognised in my implementation.
>> The only solution I have found so far is to keep a list during syntax expansion which keeps track of local definitions and which is reset when a new METHOD is encountered. Below is the result code which outputs what I want. This allows me to do more useful stuff then to return void when the identifier is not found.
>> Is it really that hard to understand? Should i re-write my code and not use syntax-classes? I know the example is unclear cause this syntax simply returns a method, but that is not the point. My entire implementation is 500 LOC, so I had to simplify it to post it.
>> #lang racket
>> (require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
>> (define-for-syntax (lexically-bound? stx)
>>  (define expanded (local-expand stx (syntax-local-context) #f))
>>  (and (identifier? expanded)
>>       (not (eq? #f (identifier-binding expanded)))))
>> (define-for-syntax (local-parameter? stx pars-stx)
>>  (ormap (lambda (par) (bound-identifier=? stx par)) (syntax-e pars-stx)))
>> (define-syntax (CLASS stx)
>>  ;; Literal
>>  (define-syntax-class (literal)
>>    (pattern value:boolean)
>>    (pattern value:char)
>>    (pattern value:integer)
>>    (pattern value:number)
>>    (pattern value:str))
>>  ;; Current local definition (used during every method expansion)
>>  (define current-local-defs '())
>>  ;; Arg List
>>  (define-splicing-syntax-class (arg-list)
>>    (pattern (~seq arg:id ...)
>>             #:do [(set! current-local-defs '())]))
>>  ;; Class Expression (validates all expressions inside a class)
>>  (define-syntax-class (class-expr args)
>>    #:datum-literals (define)
>>    #:commit
>>    (pattern value:literal
>>             #:with <value> #'value)
>>    (pattern value:id
>>             #:with <value> (if (or (lexically-bound? #'value)
>>                                    (local-parameter? #'value args)
>>                                    (member (syntax-e #'value) current-local-defs))
>>                                #'value
>>                                #'(void)))
>>    (pattern (define name:id (~var arg (class-expr args)))
>>             #:with <value> #'(define name arg.<value>)
>>             #:do [(set! current-local-defs (cons (syntax-e #'name) current-local-defs))])
>>    (pattern (operator:id (~var arg (class-expr args)) ...)
>>             #:with <value> #'(operator arg.<value> ...)))
>>  ;; Method Class
>>  (define-syntax-class (class-method)
>>    #:datum-literals (METHOD)
>>    (pattern (METHOD (name:id (~var arg-list arg-list)) (~var body (class-expr #'arg-list)) ...)
>>             #:with <value> #'(define (name arg-list.arg ...) body.<value> ...)))
>>  ;;;;; Class Parser
>>  (syntax-parse
>>   stx
>>   #:datum-literals (CLASS)
>>   [(CLASS <method>:class-method)
>>    #'<method>.<value>]))
>> (METHOD (test a b) (define c 1) (list a b c d)))
>> (test 1 2)
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