[racket] (define (f (x y)) body) when y has a previous definition
On 06/23/2014 09:21 AM, Joshua TAYLOR wrote:
>> (define y 2)
>> (define (f (x y))
> (print x)
> (print y))
> Is this expected?
You've stumbled across Racket's syntax for default values for arguments,
a.k.a. optional arguments. [1]
If I write
(define (myproc [x "hello"]) ...)
then if I call myproc with one argument, then x takes the value of that
argument, and if I call myproc with no arguments, then x takes its
default -- "hello".
Your function,
(define (f [x y]) ...)
says "if x is omitted at the call site, then bind x to the value of the
variable y for the body of f".