[racket] newlines in strings not the same in DrRacket and Racket

From: Jos Koot (jos.koot at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jun 20 17:14:55 EDT 2014

Very strange.
I did the same on my other computer and there it has the same problem as
I use windows 7 on both systems one with 64 bit OS and one with 32 bit OS.
The 64 bit version does well, the 32 bit windows 7 system has the problem.
May be my preferences? 
Thanks, Jos

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jos Koot [mailto:jos.koot at gmail.com] 
> Sent: viernes, 20 de junio de 2014 23:03
> To: 'Alexander D. Knauth'
> Cc: 'users'; 'Jos Koot'
> Subject: RE: [racket] newlines in strings not the same in 
> DrRacket and Racket
> Gives me
> (format "~n") = "\n"
> "
> " = "\n"
> The only test passed!
> both in DrRacket and Racket.
> Very surprising. Can you explain what happens here?
> I don't have a clue.
> Thanks,
> Jos
> ________________________________
> 	From: Alexander D. Knauth [mailto:alexander at knauth.org] 
> 	Sent: viernes, 20 de junio de 2014 22:41
> 	To: Jos Koot
> 	Cc: users
> 	Subject: Re: [racket] newlines in strings not the same 
> in DrRacket and Racket
> 	This doesn't exactly solve your problem, but what 
> happens (for both cases) when you do this?:
> 	#lang racket
> 	(require test-engine/racket-tests)
> 	(display "(format \"~n\") = ") (format "~n")
> 	(display "\"") (newline)
> 	(display "\" = ") "
> 	"
> 	(check-expect (format "~n") "
> 	")
> 	(test)
> 	(void (read-line)) ; wait until the user has read the results.
> 	On Jun 20, 2014, at 3:02 PM, Jos Koot 
> <jos.koot at gmail.com> wrote:
> 		Running the following in DrRacket goes well.
> 		#lang racket
> 		(require test-engine/racket-tests)
> 		(check-expect (format "~n") "
> 		")
> 		(test)
> 		(read-line) ; wait until the user has read the results.
> 		Displays: The only test passed!
> 		But running the same with Racket tells me the 
> test fails.
> 		I have a solution for this by removing #\return 
> from the strings to be
> 		compared.
> 		Question though: Can I solve this problem in a 
> simpler way?
> 		May be I overlooked something in the docs?
> 		Best wishes, Jos
> 		____________________
> 		 Racket Users list:
> 		 http://lists.racket-lang.org/users

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