[racket] Holzweg-PLAI. Not doable in DrRacket 6.0.1?
Not sure how to proceed with PLAI per
http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs173/2012/book/Introduction.html The code
seems not to run, e.g.,
#lang plai
(define-type MisspelledAnimal
[caml (humps : number)]
[yacc (height : number)])
actually wants to be
(define-type MisspelledAnimal
[caml (humps number?)]
[yacc (height number?)])
. . . at least DrRacket doesn't complain when I F5. But then I'm fresh out
of guesses with
(define (good? [ma : MisspelledAnimal]) : boolean
(type-case MisspelledAnimal ma
[caml (humps) (>= humps 2)]
[yacc (height) (> height 2.1)]))
Please advise.
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