[racket] help me speed up string split?
On Jun 17, 2014, at 22:24, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> wrote:
> Well, you could read only 10 times, rather than 4000000. :)
> Another option is to do repeated regexp matching on the front of the file input port, but I'd think "read" would be faster. (Be sure to anchor the regexp with "^" to the start of input, and experiment with limiting the lookahead.)
Given that the file is fixed width, I came up with the following speed up:
(time ; 9464 ms
(with-input-from-file path
(lambda ()
(for/list ([s (in-port (curry read-string 16))])
(string->number (string-trim s)))))
tho, come to think of it, I'm not dealing with newlines properly...
Still, 3x slower than my doofy ruby version.