[racket] Static Analysis and Graphics

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Mon Jun 16 20:27:25 EDT 2014

These graphs (not graphics) are mathematical abstractions.  You will 
hear about some of these graphs when you study compilers.

(Separately, there can also be diagrams (or graphics) to visualize these 
graphs.  But that's probably not what you're looking for.)

I think your code security analysis project will be easier and more 
likely to succeed once you take a step back and learn more of the 
relevant CS background material.  At least some of the basics of 
compilers.  Or, if you don't want to learn more CS, the other option I 
see is to partner with a CS person within your university or company.

Many software projects are done by IT people plugging together 
off-the-shelf components that they don't understand, but it didn't sound 
to me like that approach would work for what you are trying to do.

Mansour Alqattan wrote at 06/16/2014 07:41 PM:
> Dear
> What do we use the following graphics for ?? such as Program 
> Dependence Graph (PDG) and (CFG) Control Flow Graph and System 
> Dependence Graph (SDG) and Data Flow Graphic (DFG) and Abstract Syntax 
> Trees (ASTs) and Path Analysis.
> - How do I use these graphics for semantic or syntax?. is there 
> program/software which can generate these graphics automatically? for 
> any programming language ??
> Thanks

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