[racket] Possible bug with DB virtual-connections and connection-pools
Thank you for taking a look.
For my scenario, your fix is great for me. It is a rare occurrence when
this problem occurs, and the end result is that a user of my websites has
to hit the refresh button once.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Ryan Culpepper <ryanc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On 06/11/2014 11:40 AM, Curtis Dutton wrote:
>> I ran into a problem while using virtual-connections with
>> connection-pooling in my webserver.
>> With a postgres database. If the database itself gets restarted after a
>> connection is formed from the webserver, then I cannot re-establish a
>> connection afterword.
>> In production the database and webserver are on different hosts, but my
>> development box those the same symptoms.
>> So here is what I see....
>> (require db)
>> (define conn #f)
>> (define (reset)
>> (set! conn (virtual-connection (connection-pool (λ ()
>> (postgresql-connect
>> #:server "localhost"
>> #:user "postgres"
>> #:password "postgres"
>> #:database "test"))
>> #:max-idle-connections 5))))
>> (define (go)
>> (query conn "SELECT * FROM test"))
>> (reset)
>> (go)
>> ;get results
>> ;now restart my postgres server
>> (go)
>> . . tcp-write: error writing
>> system error: Unknown error; errno=10054
>> ;ok what now?
>> (disconnect conn)
>> (go)
>> . . tcp-write: error writing
>> system error: Unknown error; errno=10054
>> ;now what
>> (reset)
>> (go)
>> ;I get my results again
>> I think what I expect is that the connection would be renegotiated for
>> me. Or maybe at least renegotiated if I run disconnect afterword. If
>> that isn't the case, that is fine... How should I handle this case?
> I've just pushed a partial fix for this issue. The main problem was that
> the internal client connection didn't realize that the server had
> disconnected after a fatal error.
> After the change, you will see an interaction like this instead:
> (go)
> ;; => results
> ;; Restart the server
> (go)
> ;; => query: terminating connection due to administrator command
> ;; SQLSTATE: 57P01
> (go)
> ;; => results
> That is, the virtual connection will raise a "fatal" error, but then when
> you use it again, it will create a new internal connection and work fine.
> (At least, that's what I see on postgresql 9.1.13; I was never able to
> reproduce the precise interaction you included in your email.)
> Unfortunately, getting rid of that error in the middle seems difficult.
> The problem is that the server takes the time to say goodbye. Since there's
> input pending, the internal connection is still considered connected, so
> the virtual connection commits to using that internal connection rather
> than creating a new one.
> Thanks for reporting this problem!
> Ryan
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