[racket] How to parse json from a web API

From: Kieran Coldron (kieran at coldron.com)
Date: Sun Jun 8 10:02:20 EDT 2014

This is my first time using racket or any lisp like language, but so far 
I really like racket but I'm a complete noob.

I am wanting to make a simple application in racket for the website 
hummingbird.me <http://hummingbird.me/users/Epictest/library>, an anime 
tracking website. Here is a mockup of the gui in racket.
mockup gui <http://a.pomf.se/gwelbo.png>

I want to populate this list-box with the json data from the users libary

this is what the json data looks like http://pastebin.com/VXNnZGbk and 
after converting it to a hash:

'(#hasheq((private . #f)
           (id . 5419481)
           (status . "currently-watching")
           (episodes_watched . 12)
           (last_watched . "2014-06-07T22:49:04.788Z")
           (rewatched_times . 0)
           (notes . null)
           (notes_present . null)
           (rewatching . #f)
           (anime .
                    (url . "http://hummingbird.me/anime/baccano")
                    (title . "Baccano!")
                    (status . "Finished Airing")
                    (slug . "baccano")
                    (alternate_title . "")
                    (episode_count . 13)
                    (cover_image . 
                    (synopsis . "")
                    (show_type . "TV")))
           (rating . #hasheq(
                    (value . "4.5")
                    (type . "advanced"))))
   #hasheq((private . #f)
           (id . 5419483)
           (status . "currently-watching")
           (episodes_watched . 12)
           (last_watched . "2014-06-07T22:49:22.644Z")
           (rewatched_times . 0)
           (notes . null)
           (notes_present . null)
           (rewatching . #f)
           (anime .
                    (url . "http://hummingbird.me/anime/steins-gate")
                    (title . "Steins;Gate")
                    (status . "Finished Airing")
                    (slug . "steins-gate")
                    (alternate_title . "")
                    (episode_count . 24)
                    (cover_image . 
                    (synopsis . "")
                    (show_type . "TV")))
           (rating . #hasheq(
                    (value . "5.0")
                    (type . "advanced")))))

I understand that somehow I have to loop through the the hash to get the 
data I require and possibly store it in a second hash? How would I go 
about doing this?
Sorry if this is a stupid question and having no idea what I'm doing.

Kieran Coldron
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