[racket] Creating a module language extending typed/racket
Hey all,
I'd like to switch a module language I've created and the code written
in it to typed racket. I can't figure out how to reexport all the
typed/racket bindings like I can for normal racket, though. If I try
this in the repl:
(module testlang typed/racket (provide (all-from-out typed/racket)))
I get this error:
; Type Checker: Error in macro expansion -- provide: for-meta not supported by
; Typed Racket
; in: ((all-from-out typed/racket))
; [,bt for context]
(module testlang racket (provide (all-from-out racket)))
works fine.
Can anyone point me towards the right way to make a module language
that slightly modifies typed racket?