[racket] Creating my own series of teaching languages

From: Daniel Brady (dabrady at umail.iu.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 4 21:26:08 EDT 2014

Hi all,
I've decided to undertake the project of creating a small language, and
then model the HtDP teaching languages by creating a hierarchical series of
versions of that language. My current approach is to just make each of them
a #lang language, but grouped together in a collection, and that's working
out fine. But I would like to see if I can do it in a similar way to the
HtDP languages, such that the user chooses the language from a group in the
Choose Language menu, and doesn't use #lang syntax.

(I'm already asking about how to add a group of languages to that menu in a
different thread.)

So I guess the question boils down to: *How can I take a group of #lang
languages and convert them to the teaching-language 'style', if you will?*

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