[racket] @racket vs @code in scribble/manual

From: Jack Firth (jackhfirth at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Jul 31 03:30:50 EDT 2014

When I use #lang scribble/manual I have the issue of @racket{text}
rendering as a string, e.g. @racket{text} becomes @code{"text"} regardless
of what is substituted for text. I'm using Racket 6.01 64 bit on a Windows
7 machine with DrRacket, and the exact program that demonstrates the
problem on my machine is:

#lang scribble/manual

@(require (for-label racket/base))


Could someone give me some insight as to why this is happening? Am I
missing something simple, is it a bug, or is this intended?
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