[racket] Parsing dates & times
Short answer: For production use thus far, I usually use "string->date",
something custom for the app, using regexps, my old simple
"http://www.neilvandyke.org/rfc3339-scheme/", or the SRFI-19 implementation.
BTW, I try to limit my uses of date&time as much as possible, since none
of the libraries are that complete, and coding yourself into a corner
where you suddenly find you need to fill in a date library gap is a big
time-consuming distraction from one's main goal. (Date math is a
surprising mess to get perfect, and even major software companies like
MSFT have been found to ship buggy high-profile date math repeatedly.)
For the limited uses I do make, the only real problem I've found with
SRFI-19 is that their week-date conversions appear wrong by any of the
week-numbering conventions I know. (Thank you, unit testing, or I
would've put incorrect week-number code into production, quite recently.)
(Incidentally, I also have an unreleased mother-of-all-time library,
which implements pretty much all of ISO 8601, even the freaky
pathological parts. To be released once I get a chance to finalize the
approach to arithmetic of timepoints in differing calendar systems
and/or with different precision. And scrape off the bit rot.)
Neil V.