[racket] crash possibly related to sqlite

From: Dmitry Pavlov (dpavlov at ipa.nw.ru)
Date: Wed Jul 9 06:32:13 EDT 2014

> Would it be possible to send me a program and instructions so that I
> can replicate the crash?

See, the problem is that the crash happens after hours of numerical
integration (although it happens every time, but that is where the good
news end).

I would love to make a "minimal" crashing version of the program
for you to debug, but with every crash-or-not-crash check taking
a few hours, that would take quite a long time.

Are there ways to "stress" the Racket VM so it crashes as
soon as it possibly can? :) Because, really, the numerical
integration routines are just repeating themselves all the way
with different numbers, and all the SQLiIte stuff takes place
in the very beginning of the program.

Best regards,


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