[racket] Lunch choosing program ported from Haskell to Racket
I've modified the code with Matthias' feedback and a brief reading of the style guide. I must have been confused on the use of "local". I got the impression that it was required if you wanted to (define (foo arg ...)) within another function, but I took it out, and everything works fine. Maybe local is only required for circumstances that I haven't hit yet. The rank-restaurants functions is nicer looking w/o the local.
There's a lunch-v2.rkt at the top of the gist now. Still needs improvement, but it's significantly better now stylistically.
I read in the style guide about preferring define over let due to indentation level. I think I like that for one or two bindings, but if you have a longer list of bindings, the verbosity of repeated define's is harder to handle. For small functions of a few lines, I don't think using let is that bad, for example:
(define (my-function arg)
(define var-1 (foo1 arg))
(define var-2 (foo2 arg))
(define var-3 (foo3 arg))
(define var-4 (foo4 arg))
(define var-5 (foo5 arg))
(foo-n var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5))
(define (my-function arg)
(let ([var-1 (foo1 arg)]
[var-2 (foo2 arg)]
[var-3 (foo3 arg)]
[var-4 (foo4 arg)]
[var-5 (foo5 arg)])
(foo-n var-1 var-2 var-3 var-4 var-5))
I'm fine with following the style guide when contributing later - consistency is a big win over subtle, subjective pros/cons. But, out of curiosity, would the multiple-defines example above be absolutely preferred over the let example for Racket code?
Is match typically used to destructure lists? I used it a few times in the program, but in the following example, a couple defines w/ second & third seemed better given the complexity of the nested folds.
(define (summed-history history)
(foldl (λ (3tuple hsh)
(define rest (second 3tuple))
(define users (third 3tuple))
(foldl (λ (user hsh)
(hash-set hsh (list user rest) (+ 1 (hash-ref hsh (list user rest) 0))))
(define (summed-history history)
(foldl (λ (3tuple hsh)
(match 3tuple
[(list _ rest users)
(foldl (λ (user hsh)
(hash-set hsh
(list user rest)
(+ 1 (hash-ref hsh (list user rest) 0))))
What I'd really like is to replace the 3tuple arg with a pattern:
(define (summed-history history)
(foldl (λ ((_ rest users) hsh)
(foldl (λ (user hsh)
(hash-set hsh (list user rest) (+ 1 (hash-ref hsh (list user rest) 0))))