[racket] The behaviour of (list 'one 'two 'three)
I figured out what quote was actually doing.
http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/HtDP2e/i2-3.html explains it really
well. "When ' encounters a plain piece of data--a number, a string, a
Boolean, or an image--it disappears. When it sits in front of an open
parenthesis, (, it inserts list to the right of the parenthesis and puts '
on all the items between ( and the closing )." So '(one two three) and
(list 'one 'two 'three) are the same. '('one 'two 'three) would correspond
to (list ''one ''two ''three).
Thanks for everyone who replied!
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Colin Gan <gan.colin.e at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi people,
> The aforementioned s-exp produces the result (one two three). I find this
> surprising as I do not expect the *list *procedure to unquote the symbols
> passed to it.
> Could someone explain why this is so?
> Regards,
> Colin
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