[racket] web server: leading forward slash required in paths?

From: Matthew Butterick (mb at mbtype.com)
Date: Tue Jan 28 17:45:27 EST 2014

The behavior is correct. It's just not the behavior you want.

When you start up the web server, the default URL for the page is:


So "/puppy.jpg" really means this:


Which works, because puppy.jpg is in server-root-path. Whereas the relative
URL "puppy.jpg" means this:


And indeed, you get no puppy, because the server is looking in the
subdirectory "servlets", which doesn't exist in your server-root-path.

Thus you have two choices:

1) Add the #:servlet-path parameter, which lets you attach the servlet to a
URL at the top level, like so:

 #:server-root-path SOMEPATH
 #:servlet-path "/standalone.rkt"

Now when you start the web server, the URL for the page will be:


And when you link to "puppy.jpg" (no forward slash), it will mean:


And you will get a puppy. (Of course, "/puppy.jpg" will still work.)

2) Keep your existing server configuration and instead put a "servlets"
subdirectory within D:/Tobias/server-root/htdocs/, and puppy.jpg within it.
Then you can use "puppy.jpg" as a relative URL.

The docs for serve/servlet cover servlet-path [1], though your question is
fair because this consequence is a little unexpected. I don't know the
policy reason for having the default servlet-path
be "/servlets/standalone.rkt" rather than something at the top level, like

[1] http://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server/run.html?q=serve/servlet

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Janos Tobias Locsei <jtlocsei at cantab.net>wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> Here's an example without using templates, but the same sort of behavior
> applies when using templates too.
> #lang racket
> (require web-server/servlet
>          web-server/servlet-env)
> (define SOMEPATH
>   (build-path "D:\\Tobias\\server-root"))
> (define (start request)
>   (response/xexpr
>    `(html (head (title "Hello world"))
>           (body (h1 "Hello world")
>                 (img ([src "/puppy.jpg"] [alt "cute puppy"]))))))
> ; puppy.jpg is located at D:/Tobias/server-root/htdocs/puppy.jpg
> ; Image only displays if I use the leading forward slash like this
> (serve/servlet
>  start
>  #:server-root-path SOMEPATH
>  )
> I noticed that the leading forward slash is used in the web applications
> tutorial of the racket documentation, e.g. when referencing a css file
> (search page for "test-static.css"):
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/continue/
> Tobias
> On 28 January 2014 19:27, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>> I've not experienced this issue with the Racket web server. When you
>> append a leading forward slash to a URL, you're obviously telling the
>> browser something completely different about where to find the file. I
>> would suspect it has something to do with either file organization, Racket
>> web server configuration, or both.
>> Where are myimage.jpg and mytemplate.html in relation to one another? In
>> the same directory?
>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Janos Tobias Locsei <jtlocsei at cantab.net
>> > wrote:
>>> I noticed that when using the racket web server one needs to include a
>>> leading forward slash when referencing static files e.g. a style.css or an
>>> image.jpg. Is there a rationale for this? It's different than the usual
>>> html convention, and it means that when using html template files it's not
>>> possible to preview the template in the web browser without running the web
>>> server.
>>> For example, I have a file mytemplate.html that includes the line
>>> <img src="/myimage.jpg" />
>>> The leading "/" is required for the image to be found by the racket web
>>> server but it means that I can't preview mytemplate.html in my web browser
>>> without first firing up the racket web server.
>>> It's not a big deal but I'm just wondering if there's a way around this.
>>> Tobias
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